Chapter Sixteen

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By the time Addie came over, we had a full arsenal against Lycan's. I was finally able to relax about our meetings with the Lycan's. I was surprised, but shouldn't have been, by Ava's knowledge in defensive spells against Lycan's. If there was one thing I knew for sure about Witches in general, it was to never be surprised. It was like they said, "except the unexpected." 

"Thank you so much," I told her. She knew that I meant to thank you for more than just the Lycan stuff. She nodded. We had finally bonded. There was no hostility about me being a Solart, it was just one of many families I had been in.

"No need to thank me, I'm sure your Gran would love to treat you this kinda thing." She told me softly.

"I know, but--

"I understand." She really did too. 

"I feel so kickass with all these potions!" Addie, next to me, exclaimed. She was holding a glowing purple potion that mimicked the moons glow. It was basically a flash bomb that would momentarily disarm them. It didn't take any natural magic ability, so Addie was carrying more of them. All she had to do was throw them at the ground and duck, the light blast covered over twenty feet.

She also had vials of salt (blessed by a High Priestess) that would shift a Lycan into their human form. They were still very powerful in their human form, but not as powerful in their Lycan form. Ava told us that the moon phases didn't control when they shifted, but that didn't mean they were immune to the moon. Hence the spell she taught us to mimic the moons glow, "monstra te luna," which of course, was in Latin. 

Erik was really good at that spell, casting a large glowing orb. It was similar to the sun spell that was used against Draug. I hadn't forgotten that spell, just in case I ever needed to use it. It was Salem after all, and the Supernatural hot spot. My favorite spell that she taught us was basically a Supernatural aneurysm. We couldn't really practice that one without really hurting someone, but we had the spell tucked away in our mind just in case. 

"Be careful with those, they're geared for Lycan's, but they'll hurt our retinas too," Ava warned Addie, who was dancing around the kitchen with her weapons. She froze, realizing she was holding grenade- equivalents. 

"Right, sorry guys." She quickly tucked the vials away. Thankfully, Addie and I wore so many layers it was easy to conceal quite a bit of stuff. Erik's leather jacket was also pretty great at hiding a couple of vials. None of us were sure we would need of this, but Ava had told us to rather have too much than not enough.

"Erik, I want you to be careful," Ava told him. 

"Me? I'm the most careful one outta the bunch." He joked. Ava wasn't laughing.

"I'm serious, you have a tendency to provoke people. It's probably my fault, I have the same quick tongue. Lycan's are very proud people and you will easily offend them. Try not to be so--



Addie and I offered. 

"All of the above. Please, give my old heart some rest. Let me know when you're there and when you're coming back. I mean it." She warned. He finally took her seriously and hugged her.

"Okay, love you." He whispered into her hug. Ava was a tall woman, but she looked small in his arms. Erik had that effect on people.

Ivelyn text me, telling me that the three of them were here. We said our goodbyes to Ava and piled into my car. Erik insisted on driving and I let him. Ivelyn had the address, so she directed us from the backseat. Mir and Addie squeezed in the very back seat, which was really just an open trunk. Kate, of course, brought so many books she filled two seats up. 

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