Percy Falls to his Death

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Major highlights of our short and miserable night:

-Percy mailed Medusa's head to Olympus

-I thawed out completely

-Percy and I learn about Grover's desire to search for Pan

-I sleep Benny's tree

I kid you not. I found a nice and big tree to settle into and make the best of what I had and it just so happened that someone had carved the words, "Benny's tree," into the trunk.

I wrapped my jacket tightly around myself even though I wasn't cold, and fell almost instantly into a restless slumber.

When I woke up, a pink poodle and Grover were conversing in growls. Maybe not your everyday wake up, but normal for me.

In my zombie like state, I attempted to compose myself. I brushed through my hair with my fingers and retied the laces on my tennis shoes.

When I hopped down from Benny's tree, the poodle was gone and Grover had a fistfull of reward money.

"Not another bus," Percy and I said together.

"All twins do that at some point. It's completely unavoidable," Annabeth muttered. I glared at her.

"Anyway, we are taking the Amtrack train which leaves at noon today," she told us. I nodded to show that I had heard and instincively reached for my wand, which I had gotten into a habit of doing when I am bored. Of course, I didn't have my wand anymore though.

I sighed and followed my friends down to the station, leaving Benny's tree behind.


Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson, wanted for questioning in the Long Island dissapearance of his mother two weeks ago, is shown here fleeing from the bus where he accosted several elderly female passengers. The bus exploded on an easy New Jersey roadside shortly after Jackson fled the scene. Based on eyewitniss accounts, police believe the boy may be traveling with three teenage accomplices. His stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, has offered a cash reward for information leading to his capture.

Above this was a picture of Percy, with me in the backround, fleeing as the bus caught fire behind us. Percy looked completely insane in the photo and I couldn't blame him for the frustrated groan he let out as he read.

"Don't worry," Annabeth tried to comfort him,"Mortal police could never find us."

Of course I didn't believe this for a second. If the government wants something, they are going to find a way to get it. Could we evade capture on this quest? Of course, but I sure can't live a fugitive the rest of my life and I doubt the rest of them would enjoy it much either.

We spent two days on the Amtrack train and more than half the time, Percy just paced the length of the train.

We got off at Denver, our money unable to carry us farther, and Annabeth insisted that we take a break from our quest and do a little sightseeing. Of course there was a specific destination in mind.

Annabeth's dream of becoming the greatest architect the world has ever seen, meant that she wanted to visit as many great monuments as possible. That meant the Gateway Arch.

They tried to talk me into it, but I refused, so the other three grudgingly left me behind and went to ride to the top of the Arch.

I didn't exactly do much. While they were gone, I scavenged a dollar and seventeen cents and bought a cheap snack in a vending machine.

I lounged on a bench for awhile and dig into my food. Within five minutes, the cheesey crackers had disappeared and I tossed the bag into the nearby trashcan.

Unfortunately, the wind carried it over to the left and it missed the bin by inches. I sighed and stood up to throw it away.

When the first scream sounded, my littering issue was completely forgotten. I looked up and saw a window shatter at the top and a body was thrown out, heading straight for the river below.

My eyes widened and I ran closer, trying to see who it was. I shoved through crowds of people and eventually caught a glimpse of familiar black hair.

"PERCY!" I screamed.

He was falling towards the Mississsippi River from the top of the Arch and I had a bad feeling that a Percy grease spot was about to be made.

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