Surprises and Turnips

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After getting called back upstairs, i was forced to pick up all the owl feathers that had dropped. That was saying a lot cause that owl was really big and every time it ruffled its wings, about five feathers flew off to random places in the room.

I did as i was told but made sure that i made a lot of noise doing it.

"Shut up you! I am trying to watch tv!" Mr. Crystal shouted at me. I rolled my eyes, but stopped anyway. I tried something different instead.

I came up behind him and pretending that i didn't see him, tipped his chair forward with him still in it and snatched a few stray feathers from underneath it.

I immediately regretting my behavior when i saw Mr. Crystal get off the floor. He looked as though he would blow up any moment. He grabbed me by my neck and practically threw me down the stairs.

I smiled despite my aching ribs, because just before my fall, i noticed Braden stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing and giving me a thumbs up with his free hand.

I ran to my room and burst out laughing. I suppose i didn't regret it after all! I took my letter out from where i had hid it under my pillow and tipped the envelope upside down to reread it. This time three pieces of parchment fell onto my lap. Apparently i hadn't looked as closely as i could have.

Out of the three, one was my acceptance letter (the one i already read), one was my list of materials, and the third was an enclosed letter from the headmaster.

Dear Ms. Grace,
I am aware of your other capabilities and i promise you i will keep it a secret. Madame Maxime, the headmistress at Beauxbatons academy of magic, wanted you to go to her school and of course many of the schools nearer to your country, but The minister of magic himself seemed that Hogwarts was better for someone as powerful as yourself.

You will need to get your school things soon. I have arranged for you to come live with a family in London for the rest of the summer. I have talked to the heads of your camps and you will be attending them next summer so cast your worries elsewhere.

I will personally come and take you to this family. I assure you they are very kind so do not fear. I will collect you in two days time.

Until then,
Albus dumbledore,
Headmaster at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I burst out laughing at the name signed at the bottom. I tried to hold it in, but decided it would be better to do it here than to laugh at his face when he showed up.

When i calmed down, i began to wonder what could be so important about me that so many schools wanted me and surely it couldn't be normal to have the headmaster himself to escort you from your house to London. If they think i am that special then they have it all wrong.

I decided i had better tell my "parents" about me leaving in two days. I couldn't have them yelling at me for not explaining this sooner when someone of so much importance was taking me. I picked up the envelope and stuffed all three letters back inside it.

Their reaction was not a typical Crystal family reaction.

"Your going to Hogwarts!"
"I'm so proud!"
"Your uncle went there you know!"
"Dumbledore is personally escorting you?"
"Are you really as famous as they say?"

"HOLD UP!" i screamed silencing them, "How do you know about Hogwarts and Dumbledore?"

"We went there ourselves back when Dumbledore was just a teacher," Mrs. Crystal told me as if that cleared everything up. They were positively beaming at me which was scary cause they never did anything but frown when they saw me.

"Your just telling me this now? So you aren't proud until you find out i am a witch and then your feelings change?" i said aggravated.

"We wanted to tell you! We really did, but Dumbledore said it was essential we didn't mention it until we knew for sure that you a witch. We decided the quickest route to discovering whether you were a witch or not was to make you angry. Strong emotions cause you to do magic without trying sometimes. No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't seem to make you angry enough though. If you think back we only started being awful to you about a year ago. We didn't mean any of it!" Mrs. Crystal said all this rather quickly.

It was so random and hard to to believe that i stood there confused for almost a full 5 minutes while thr Crystals stared at me hopefully, probably hoping i would accept their apolgy. I cast aside the feeling and tried to focus on what Braden had yelled out before. He had said i was famous.

"I'm not famous," i told them. As soon as i said it, i immediately wished that i hadn't. Before any of them could answer though, a loud crack came from right behind me and i jumped about a foot into the air.

I turned to stare into the face of a long bearded man with half-moon spectacles. Not knowing how he had appeared out of thin air i did the only logical thing and screamed.

"Will somebody please tell me what is going on?!" I yelled at no one in particular as i backed away from the strange old man.

"Gladly!" he replied in a cheerful voice, "Would you like a turnip?"

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