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I woke up the next morning very early. I normally relied on Hermione to wake me, but it was Christmas! I swung out of bed, not bothering to change and headed to the foot of my bed where a pile of gifts lay waiting for me.

The top one was from Hagrid which held a card and some rock cakes which I threw away guiltily not wanted my teeth to be cemented together.

Hermione had gotten me a book of wizarding fairy tales which looked pretty interesting. Ron had gotten me a box of Pumpkin Pasties and Harry had gotten me a hat that I had pointed out on the first train ride here. I couldn't believe that he actually remembered.

Dumbledore sent me a container of lemon drops which did not come as a surprise as it was his password to his office. Mrs, Weasley had knitted a purple sweater for me along with a couple cakes. Fred and George had badly wrapped some cool things from a joke shop in Hogsmeade.

At the bottom of a stack sat a neatly wrapped mushy package with a silver bow. I unwrapped it and saw it was from Annabeth. There was a note and a hat. I read the note first.

I hope Chiron can get this to you in time. This is a replica of my invisibility hat. It really is quite useful. I know you aren't your father and it was wrong of me to think that. Friends?

I smiled. I liked Annabeth. I tried on the cap and my body immediately disappeared. It was awesome!

After opening my mom's present which was a scrapbook of her, my dad, and Percy (this did nothing to lessen my jealousy) I walked over to the boys dorm where Harry and Ron were still opening their presents.

I had given Ron a book on his favorite quiddith team, the Chudly Cannons. Harry had gotten a book on minor jinxes for young wizards.

"I figure Dudley will find this interesting!" he grinned at me which I returned. Who is Dudley?

"Thanks for the hat Harry," he smiled happily and moved on to a lumpy package that turned out to be a cloak.

"Where did you get that?" Ron dropped the Chocolate Frog he was holding and stared at Harry.

"There was no name. The note said it was my father's though," his face turned sad for a moment before curiosity took over. I felt bad for Harry. We had gone through the same ordeal, but my parents were still alive. Sure one is immortal, but my mom is still alive.

Ron was telling Harry about how rare his cloak is. It was an invisibilty cloak! I couldn't believe it!

"I got a h-" I cut myself off because if there weren't a such thing as invisibility hats in the wizarding world then I thought best not to mention it.

They gave me funny looks, but said nothing. We spent the rest of the day catching up with each other.

I learned about Harry being an amazing Seeker in quidditch and how he had won the first game by almost swallowing the Snitch.

In the next game, they still won, but Snape had almost succeeded in killing Harry by trying to throw him off his broom.

The they told me about Fluffy the three headed dog that was guarding something. Apparently Hagrid had let slip the name Nicolas Flamel so they were searching the library to find out who he is.

"So how did you guys and Hermione become friends so suddenly?" I asked wen they were finished.

They launched into a whole other story about how they saved her from a troll and how she saved them from the teachers.

"You just don't survive something like that together and not become friends," Ron said finishing the story.

I felt really left out. They had so many adventures together already while I spent half my year in the hospital wing.

"What do you say we go visit Hagrid?" Harry asked. I nodded. I had never met Hagrid before. I mentally added this to the list if things they had done without me and then I smacked myself. I have too many jealousy issues.

Harry and Ron exchanged glances when I slapped my self and I turned angrily to them.

"It is called self discipline," I informed them matter-of-factly. They giggled which is a sound that doesn't really suit boys. I cracked a smile too as we headed down a hill towards a small cabin near the Forbidden Forest.

Harry was already knockig on the door when I was still 3 yards away. I pushed through the last drifts of snow and stood next to Ron with my robes dripping wet.

I forgot how cold I was when the door opened, however, and a huge bearded man stared down at me. I had seen Hagrid before, but never this close. I just had time to think of how cool it was that I could probably fit my whole body into one of his shoes.

A big, furry, black shape hurtled out of nowhere and I fell over backwards when it jumped on me.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now