Camp Half-blood

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It had been weeks since I had arrived. I found that I fit in well here. I was fairly good with a bow and only Annabeth could beat me with a dagger. My best weapon was easily my powers over water. It my few weeks of training I could produce a mini hurricane and not tire for 6 minutes.

I couldn't figure out why Annabeth was so uneasy about me.

The first time I looked at her, an image of an older Annabeth hanging over the side of pit flashed through my mind. She had been holding a boy's hand, but the. They were falling.

Maybe she saw it too and she was worrying about it, but she didn't come near me if she could help it. I didn't mind too much though because plenty of other people liked to hang out with me.

Ally, though a couple years older than me, was a really cool person to be around despite our earlier misunderstanding. She was awesome with her bow and I had never seen her miss the middle of a target. She taught me how to use my bow. With her as my teacher I excelled.

I was also fairly good at hand to hand combat. I was really small, but I was quick and I know how to find weak spots.

It finally reached the day when I would return to Hogwarts. I was packed and dressed in a brand new orange camp t-shirt.

I liked having a cabin to myself as it was the only time of day that I could think, but I was quite excited anout getting to eat with Harry, Ron, And Hermione again instead of by myself.

I only had a backpack of necessities that I decided to leave here for when I came back. I slowly changed back into my robes and folded my camp shirt neatly. Just as I was about to leave my cabin and have my last meal here before I left, the door creaked open.

I turned and nearly jumpe out of my skin when I stood face to face with Annabeth. She looked upset.

"Can I help you?" I asked her chancing a smile which she did not return.

"Listen. I have been having dreams with you in them. They aren't good either," she looked deadly serious.

"I have had a vision with you in it that wasn't all that great either. I don't remember it though," I remembered it clear as day. I just didn't want to tell her. She looked at me suspiciously.

"Wherever you are going, take this," she handed me a small item that looked very much like a lasor pointer,"If you are in trouble, press the button on the top and you will disappear to any place you want. You only get one use out of it though so use it wisely. I am sorry if I seem very distant, but Athena and Poseidon have never been very friendly," she looked at me as though she wanted nothing more than for me to forgive her, but I could tell she didn't enjoy having to apoligize.

"I am not my father," I accepted her gift however gratefully. It could be really useful. I turned and marched from my cabin leaving her looking quite surprised behind me.

Two hours later, Dumbledore came and picked me up. We arrived at the school very late that day which happened to be Christmas Eve. I wandered quietly up to the Gryffindor common room.

Dumbledore had told me that he informed everyone that I was at St. Mungo's. Which is the wizarding hospital. When I entered the common room I was greeted by the welcoming sight of Fred, and George who were just on their way up the stairs to their dormitory. Besides them, the common room was deserted.

They turned at the sound of the door opening and twin smiles filled there faces.

"Hey Kasey!" Fred said.

"You've been ditching!" George said.

"We're so proud!" they both said.

"I wasn't ditching," I allowed a smile anyway. I climbed the spiral staircase to the girls dormitories and found that mine was empty. I flopped in my bed and drifted off into sleep with the same contentment that I had the first night at Hogwarts.

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