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We filed off the train, dragging our trunks behind us. I was with Hermione because I didn't like the way Ron was talking about her.

A huge man appeared through the darkness and told the first years to follow him.

"All right Harry?" he asked.

To my annoyment he answered from right beside us which meant that Ron was right there too. I glared at him and scooted closer to Hermione.

The extremely big man, Harry said his name was Hagrid, led us to a lake with lots of boats. I got in one with Hermione and two girls that I didn't know.

Hagrid got one to himself. I was quite surprised it didn't sink under his weight. I pointed this out to Hermione and she laughed. The other two girls in the boat laughed too and I smiled at them. I looked closer and realized that they were twins.

"Hi! I'm Pavarti Patil and this is my sister Padma," she raised her eyebrows obviously waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Oh right! Sorry! I'm Kasey Grace and this is Hermione Granger," I held out my hand, but neither of them took it. They gaped at me with their mouths open.

"I know, I know, I am famous, but I don't even know what for-" they weren't staring at me, they weren't listening to me either. They were looking at something above me. I turned and so did Hermione.

"Woah!" I whispered. A castle appeared as we turned a corner. Hermione gasped. It was beautiful and huge. Hundreds of windows gleamed in the darkness and it was just.....beautiful. There is no other word for it.

We crossed the lake and docked the boats on the shoreline. I screamed loudly when a giant tentacle broke the surface of the water and pushed our boat out of the water so we could get out.

"Oh! Its all right!" Hagrid beamed at us,"It is just the giant squid. He is actually quite friendly," I glanced at the water which is now still, then back to Hagrid's huge shadowy figure, completely unconvinced.

We walked up to the big oak front doors of the castle and Hagrid pushed them open and let us through. He told us to wait and he walked across the entrance hall and disappeared trough another set of doors.

A few moments later a tall woman named Professor Mcgonagall (well that is what she told us but I refused to believe that her first name is professor) told us we would shortly be sorted into our houses in front of the school.

I barely had time to register the fact that she had said 'in front of the whole school' when a horribly familiar voice drawled throughout the room.

"So! Its true than. I know Kasey Grace is on the train but I didn't realize Harry Potter was as well, until now. It isn't too late to find better friends Potter! I offered the same thing to Grace, but she unwisely turned me down," Draco Malfoy was talking to Harry not me, but I was angry all the same.

"Unwise? That was the best choice that I could have made! Like I would ever be friends with you! Did you know he practically asked me out in Diagon Alley? I turned him down though when I saw what a big fat git he was," I turned to Harry, who looked as if he didn't want to be involved in a fight.

Malfoy had his hand stretched toward Harry, but Harry wasn't taking it so I slapped it away.

"I think I already have some pretty good friends, thanks," Harry said glowering at Malfoy.

Mcgonagall had returned and was leading us toward the doors that Hagrid had gone through. Harry smiled at me and Ron and gestured for us to follow him. I grabbed Hermione's arm as we passed so I didn't leave her behind.

When we entered the room, I thought my eyes would pop out of my head. Thousands of candles floated around above 5 long tables. 1 table sat at the end of the room where I assumed all the teachers (professors) sat. The other 4 tables were probably for the 4 different houses that Mcgonagall had mentioned.

I almost ran and hugged Dumbledore when I saw him sitting in the center of the staff table, but I didn't get a chance because then a old pointed hat sitting on a stool started to sing. I assumed Mcgonagall had put the stool there because she was standing next to it with a scroll.

I didn't really listen to the song because I was too worried about standing in front of everybody. I am not shy at all, but in front of this many people?

All at once the song stopped. Time seemed to speed up. Mcgonagall told us to put the hat on when she called our name. Even though 7 kids went before me, it seemed like only a few seconds before I heard my name.

"Grace, Kasey," I was really freaking out now, but not cause of nervousness. I didn't care about that anymore because all you had to do was put on a hat. I was slightly worried about lice, but I was mostly worried whether I would be put in the same house as Malfoy.

I walked slowly up to the stool and pulled the hat on. It started talking to me, but I wasn't really listening. I tend to tune things out a lot. Not on purpose, it just sort of happens.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yelled.

I was not ready for that and I actually fell sideways off the stool because I jumped so high. I felt my face burning as I walked to the Gryffindor table. Only then did I realize all the whispers and stares I was getting.

"Granger, Hermione," Mcgonagall's voice quieted the students again.

Hermione ran eagerly up to the stool and yanked the hat onto her head. She became a Gryffindor and ran to sit next to me. Then Harry (more muttering and pointing) came and sat across from me and Ron went to sit next to him.

Dumbledore stood up a said some words that I didn't understand. Then suddenly, the empty bowl that Dean Thomas was holding upside down over his plate, became full and mashed potatoes splashed all down his front and splattered his friend Seamus Finnigan in the face.

Everyone laughed and we dug in to the feast that had just appeared. I ate until I was so full that I felt sick. Then after the dessert, Percy told the first years to follow him so we knew where to sleep. I dragged myself up and Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed me.

"I am positively overly stuffed," I told Hermione.

"I dunno. I expect I could probably still fit a few slices of pie if I wanted to," Ron's face had appeared in front of me. I knew he was just trying to make me laugh, but I suspected that he wasn't lying.

Hermione looked disgusted, but I smiled to let him know that I was no longer mad at him.

Harry was so tired that he ran into the wall no less than 5 times before we finally stopped in front of a portrait of a very fat lady.

"Password?" she asked Percy. I blinked.

"The painting can talk?" I heard Harry ask Ron. I already knew this because Ron's room was covered with posters of his favorite quidditch team, the Chudley Cannons, and they flew in and out of their portraits talking amongst themselves.

"Caput Draconis," Percy told her, "Make sure you remember that," he added to us. The portrait swung forward revealing a hole in the wall. We climbed though into a comfy room that was almost all red and gold (gryffindor colors).

All I wanted to do was go to sleep though. When Percy told us where our dormitory was, I said goodnight to Harry and Ron and dragged Hermione up the stairs with me.

"Night," I mumbled to Hermione, falling into the bed that had my trunk at the end. By the time I hit the pillow, I was already asleep.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now