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Hagrid chuckled but I didn't see what was so funny about the situation as half my face was drenched in slobber.

"Come on Fang! Let her breath," Hagrid's huge hands grabbed Fang's collar and I gasped for air when his weight had fully lifted. Harry and Ron helped me up and I stared with wide eyes at Fang. With closer examination I saw that Fang was a huge dog fit only for a man the size of Hagrid.

"Hello Hagrid," Harry beamed at him.

"Hullo you lot! Who is this," he said as if just noticing me for the first time. I swear his dog almost killed me and apparently he hadn't even looked to see who Fang's innocent victim was. I was definitely exaggerating. Since when had I ever been innocent?

As the visit progressed, however I could not stay mad at Hagrid. He seemed like a cheerful man and I decided I had to like him.

"Rock cakes anyone?" Hagrid asked grinning around at is all. Everyone shook their heads, but I didn't catch the warning. I reached out and took one, but when I bit down on it, I found my teeth were cemented together. I glanced around and saw the others silently laughing at me while I tried desperately to sperate my jaws. I mentally reminded myself never to accept snacks from Hagrid again.

By the time my teeth were free, Hagrid had moves on to the topic of Nicolas Flamel. Harry and Ron had told me about the package that Fluffy the three headed dog was guarding. They said Hagrid had let slip the name Nicolas Flamel, but they couldn't find him in the library. Apparently they had told Hermione that they would continue their swarch over the holiday which I found a boring way to spend my days off.

"You two arenet still looking for Nicolas Flamel are you?" Hagrid asked te boys.

"Course we are!" Ron answered with a grin. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

"You could just save us the trouble and tell us though. We are going to find out either way. Harry reckons he saw the name before anyway," I smiled sweety, but Hagrid stood firm.

"They dragged you into this too did they? Well I won't tell you. You three are meddling in things that you ought not to meddle in," he looked so serious with his bushy beard and hair that I fought back a laugh.

Harry stood up and made his way to the door. Ron and I followed him.

"Well bye Hagrid! If you change your mind you know where to find us," with that he turned and trotted out the door. I followed with Ron close behind.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we neared the castle.

"To the library," Harry answered without looking back. I groaned.

"You have been hanging out with Hermione too much," I mumbled.


In the library, I was sitting with a pile of books in my lap deciding which ones looked interesting and which ones to put back.

"Ohhh this one looks good! It is about werewolves! That could be interesting to learn about real werewolves," I was talking more to myself then Harry and Ron who were still looking non-stop for Nicolas Flamel.

"You have been hanging out with Hermione too much," Ron said with a grin. He had overheard my comment from earlier and judging from the smug smile on his face, he was waiting to get me back.

"Guys we have been looking for hours. Can we please take a break?" I couldnt focus for this long. I had helped for an hour and a half, but I knew a hopeles cause when I saw one.

"All right fine," Harry slammed his book shut earning a glare from the librarian," it is almost time for dinner."

We headed back to the common room and I was planning to take advantage of the empty dormitory. Annabeth had told me how to iris message and I had a few spare drachmas.

When we stepped through the portrait hole we found Fred and George and ended up playing explodin snap with them. I decided I would have time to talk to Annabeth after the feast.

The dining hall was amazing! There were twelve beautifully decorated christmas tree lining the outside of the room and instead of the usual 5 tables, only 1 stretched out across the center of the room. I guessed this was because of the lack of people.

The feast was delicious and I had 3 helpings not countin dessert. Feeling rather like a stuffed turkey I made my way back to Gryffindor tower with Harry. Ron went to send a letter to his mother.

We walked in silence because neither one of us wanted to open our mouths. I was so tired that my desire to talk to Annabeth was forgotten and as soon as I bid goodnight to Harry, I fell asleep feeling more happy than I had ever felt on Christmas before.

Hopeless Love (a harry potter and percy jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now