Finding a match

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I was really mad at Malfoy, but I decided not to let it ruin my day. I tried to pretend that nothing happened and I continued through my list of school things. I went back and bought a pewter cauldron and the potion ingredients that I had got before I met Malfoy. I mentally smacked myself.

"Don't think about him!" I told myself. A boy about my age looked at me like I was crazy. I shook it off and continued on to get an animal. I loved all the owls, but in the end I decided on a pure black one with one white spot over her left eye.

I payed the amount set for her (sorry, I dont know how much owls cost) and went to go get a wand. Even though I had been waiting for this all day, it took me awhile to get there as I was weighed down by lots of packages, bags, and an owl.

I reached Ollivander's and when I opened the door a bell rang from deep within the store. This shop was the most dirty musty shop yet and it seemed radiate power. Probably from all the wands. I decided that I wouldn't spend any more time in here than I had to. In fact I was about to turn around and walk out without a wand, when an old man, probably Ollivander, appeared around the shelves of boxes that held the wands.

"Ah. Kasey Grace is it?" it wasn't really a question so I chose not to answer.

Next thing you know I was trying wands and throwing into a growing pile on the floor by his desk. Despite the desire to walk out and leave, I stood in the store 2 hours later and I still didn't have a wand.

He handed me one more and I held it, still not sure what he was looking for. He snatched it away rather quick and sighed.

"This is unheard of! That was all the wands in my collection! I have never not been able to find a match. I am sorry, but I can't help you," he said to me staring at me as though he had never seen anything like me before. Then again I guess he probably hadn't considering what my other half is.

"Well, thanks for trying Mr. Ollivander," I said glumly. I picked up all my new stuff and trudged from the shop. Suddenly all the fun of the day had vanished and one question bounced through my brain.

What if I'm not a witch? What if it was all just a mistake. I found Dumbledore waitig for me outside of Gringotts and I told him what happened.

"I suppose you have to take me home now. Can I still keep the owl though?" I told him when I was finished.

"What are you talking about? Wouldn't you like to go to Hogwarts?" he looked confused. This was a weird expression on such a wise face. I resisted the urge to laugh because it looked so strange.

"Of course I want to, but if I am not a witch then I assumed I couldn't go...." I trailed off feeling slightly embarrassed.

"But you are a witch and you can go. you just have yet to find the right wand for you. It must have something to do with your other blood. I will find you a wand before school starts. In the meantime, we ought to get you to the family you shall be staying with," he said this all rather quickly.

I nodded, but felt all the earlier excitment bubble up again.

"Take my arm," he held his right arm out towards me. I was reluctant to grab it after last time, but eventually I sighed and reached towards his arm.

As soon as our arms touched, I felt the smae feeling as before, as if I were being yanked by a rope. I began to feel sick again.

Finally we stopped spinning. I fell on my face again, but this time it was into a mud puddle. I sat up and wiped the mud off my face as best as I could.

I looked around and saw a skinny, tall house leaning slightly to one side. A wooden sign by the road read The Burrow. I looked around, but saw no sign of Dumbledore. All my things lay in a neat pile on the porch.

Dumbledore must have put them there before e left. But why would he leave me like that?

Before I could put any more thought into it, the door swung open and a short red head woman was smiling at me.

"Fred! George! Help her with her stuff!" she called over her shoulder. After a moment two very familiar red headed twins appeared in the doorway. When they spotted me I tried to smile, but it was quite hard with the look they were giving me.

"You!" they shouted together.

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