Red Riding Hood Finds Out She's Not Human: Chapter 7

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Dedi goes to the person who gave me the best heart attack of my young life.....CosmicMist....Who gave me my first fan made Cover/Banner. My current cover was made at my request by someone else, but this is the first one that was just made without my knowledge and I love it to bits!!! I am glad you all are liking the story! I will be updating this soon and I will also be going back through these chapters to fix any spelling or gramatical errors since this book is becoming more popular by the day!!! Enjoy!!!


“What do you mean what am I? I’m a human who just so happens to be the mate of the Alpha of the Moonlight Forest pack.” Conner gave me a look up and down that gave off an air of…out-of-this-world-ness or what ever you call it.

“Conner what’s going on? You’re scaring me.” I reached for Caleb’s mind in my own and found it.

‘Caleb? What’s going on. Conner is scaring me. Can I come back yet?’

‘Sorry Vanessa. I’ll ask Conner to stop scaring you like that. You can’t be with Sam yet.’


‘Actually I just found something out. You need to come now.’

I tried to say something to him, but he shoved me out of his mind and put up his wall.

“What the hell is going on Conner?”

“You guys ready to bowl?”

“Sorry Mark a friend just got really sick we need to go back. I’ll stop by later in the week and we can have a bowling match.”

“I’m holding you too that Vanessa!” I laughed at his serious face as Conner pulled me out to his car. We raced back to his house to be with Sam. The front door opened as we pulled in and I ran out of the car, leaving the door open, and into Caleb’s arms.

“What the hell is going on Caleb?” I said pulling out of the hug and holding on to his arms. He kept his hands on my waist as he stared into my eyes.

“I don’t know. Breaking into someone’s mind is not a Werewolf trait though.” Oh god. They’re right. What am I? My shock must have been evident on my face because Caleb was pulling me back into a tight hug and petting my hair.

“It’s okay Vanessa. Please don’t cry.” I didn’t even realize I was crying.

“Why am I needed back here?”

“I had or resident technical genius research your family history. And also had him research what kind of magical beings have that power. He’s still looking into your family, but he’s found somethings that could match.”


“Come on Sam’s about to change.”

“Wait. Won’t she eat me?”

“No. Not if what we think you are is in fact what you are. If you aren’t then we can easily protect you and get you to a safe room we’ve made.”

“Okay.” I know I said it shakily, but I am determined to stand my ground. I walked into Sam’s house like so many times before. Alone, head held high, confident, and proud.

People were all around the house and the parted as I came. I don’t know what they think I am, but it obviously can’t be good. I refused to let the hurt and worry show on my face though. I need to be strong for Sam and for Caleb and overall, myself.

I walked to the all to familiar room that was my best friend’s. The smell was terrible. They were burning some sort of plant. It looked like any old weed you’d find in your garden. But it smells like someone is burning a rotten fish and rotten eggs at the same time. How do werewolves, who I’m still pretty sure have heightened senses, stand the stench?

Red Riding Hood Meets The Wolf: Book One (and Two) of The Hunted Series. (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now