Red Riding Hood's Birthday Gifts: Chapter 2

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First period was horrible. Not only did I get stared at and whispered about the entire time, but I couldn’t even hide my face in my hood because the teacher is strict and wouldn’t let me wear it even though it was part of my costume. On top of all that, I had hood hair.

The teacher also assigned an essay on how Halloween will eventually be banned because it causes teenagers to get drunk and vandalize her house. Can we say that she has too many issues? And also I might be one of the kids who ritualistically vandalize her house this year by throwing a dozen or so eggs at her door…just saying. So now we have to do that by next Tuesday, and today is a Friday.

I made sure I was the first one out of the door when the bell rang. I quickly made my way down to the end of the hall where Mr. Bane’s class is. When I got into the room Mr. Bane seemed to be talking to Nymeria and he hadn’t noticed me enter. I don’t think he’d want me to eavesdrop so I knocked on the door.

“Oh Vanessa, you scared me.”

“Sorry Mr. B. How’s Nymeria doing? I hope she wasn’t anymore trouble.”

“She was great once she got used to me she was better.”

“Then I guess she earned herself a treat.” Nymeria immediately ran over to me when she heard the word and started begging for it. She got on her hind legs with her front paws under her chin with the puppy dog pout on her face. When I pulled out the treat she looked extremely happy and fell back on the floor to do a rollover before lying her head on the ground, raising her butt up and wagging her tail in anticipation.

“Here you go girl. You earned it.” I said petting her between the ears, her favorite spot. She ignored the treat for a moment to enjoy the attention I gave her scalp.When I walked over to Mr. Bane she greedily gobbled down her treat.

“I’m sorry she was so overprotective Mr. Bane.”

“It’s quite alright. She clearly loves you and just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“No one in there right mind would love her.”

“Oh no.” I sighed as I recognized the cruel voice of Caleb McDonald.

“Mr. McDonald. You will apologize to Miss Fence for your rudeness.”

“Why should I when it’s the truth?” That’s when Nymeria decided to give Caleb a piece of her mind.

“Damn, there’s a dog in the class!”

“Well I need a wolf for my outfit don’t I?”

“That’s yours?” I moved past him to hold Nymeria in her place so she wouldn’t lunge at my hated enemy, not that I’d mind, but I might lose her if she did.

“Yeah her name is Nymeria. I found her near my house with a broken paw. We took her in and she’s been with us for five months now. So back off or I’ll let her attack.” Caleb put his hands up in defense and gave me a smirk.

“I’m not afraid to hurt a dog.”

“She’s only six months old! That’s cruel!”

“Oh I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, but I was referring to you not the little wolf.” He gave me a smirk and all I could do was glare at him. I sat down in my seat placing Nymeria in her basket. That’s when Caleb came right by my desk.

“Good Girl.” He said rubbing the top of my head like a dog. I rolled my eyes for a moment before lunging at his hand with my teeth.

“Be careful, I bite.”

“Ho! I think you need to be tied up to the dog house little Bitch.” That’s were I drew the line. I smacked him across the face. His eyes seemed to go black and he stared at me with pure hatred avoiding my eyes though so as not to lose our bet. I did the same.

Red Riding Hood Meets The Wolf: Book One (and Two) of The Hunted Series. (First Draft)Where stories live. Discover now