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Louis wakes up and sees Harry. He smiles and thinks of what if they just stayed friends. "What're you thinking of?" "Nothing...well nothing important." Harry looks at him. "Tell me..." "Well..." Louis tells him everything and by the end it's sad yet angry. 

He gets up and gets dressed in a simple tank top and jean shorts. He goes to the kitchen and sees the others. He grabs his thermos and fills it with tea. He grabs his car keys and gets in the car. He sits in the driveway with the heater on and puts his head on the steering wheel. 

He kind of wishes that he never met Harry. His life has turned around completely and then turned upside. He looks at his stomach. The first baby was great then the attack happened and this one was kind of not planned the same way. He pulls out of the driveway and drives around for a while. 

He drives back home and sees the police there. He gets out and goes inside. He sees  Harry sitting there with his arms crossed and the police talking to him. Harry walks in and the police stop him. "Nobody on the premises please..." "I live here." 

The officer looks at Harry and Harry nods. Louis is allowed in and he goes over to Harry. "What happened?" "Nick came by and I saw him in our house so I punched him." "What did he do?" "He was talking about you and said a lot of things that weren't right." 

Louis hugs Harry and goes to their room. He changes into a skirt and a clean, white tank top. "Where's Nick?" "In the back of the police car." Louis smiles and feels small cramps. He doesn't say a word and he goes to the bathroom. He pulls down his panties and sees blood. 

He shakes his head and wipes his eyes. He cleans himself up and sits on the toilet, crying. Their baby will never see the light of day. He let Harry down again. He looks at his rings and takes them off. He gets up and leaves  the bathroom. The police are gone and he goes over to Harry. 

"Hazza...can I talk to you?" There's a knock and Harry opens it. "Hey guys." "Hey, we wanted to come over." Louis sits at the kitchen island and plays with the rings. He sighs and slides them on again. He taps his nails on the marble and the guys look over. Louis gets up and walks into their bedroom. 

He takes the rings off and places them in Harry's beside table drawer. He showers and changes into one of Harry's shirts. He leaves the bedroom and sees them sitting on the couch. He smiles and makes himself a cup of tea and rubs his temples. "Lou, you okay?" "Yeah...yeah I'm fine..." 

Louis finishes his tea and looks up. Zayn smiles and looks at his hands. "Where's your rings?" Louis perks up and looks at the others. They're looking at Louis including Harry. "Well, I'm carrying a baby and my fingers started swelling..." 

Louis gets up and walks to their bedroom, somewhat slamming the door. He lays in bed and wipes his eyes. The door opens and Louis closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep. "Lou, you okay?" Louis stays quiet. "I know you're not sleeping..." Louis sighs and rolls over onto his back. 

"Yeah Haz?" "Why did you really take the rings off?" Louis turns back around and lets out a very shaky breath."H-Haz....we're not h-having a baby....o-or a w-wedding..." Harry gets up and leaves the bedroom. He sits on the floor on the other side of the door. 

He pulls his knees up and rests his chin on his knees. The others look at him. "I-I think we're over...."  Zayn stands up and forces the bedroom door open. Louis jumps up and sees Zayn. Zayn kneels in front of him. "You called off the wedding?" Louis looks down. 

"Listen, my sister went through the same thing you did and she still got married and they adopted a baby because she had high risk." Louis looks up and Zayn crosses his arms. "Your fingers aren't swollen anyways, you just want to wear them." Louis nods and whispers out. 

"I let him down..." Zayn wraps his arms around Louis. "You guys will be okay." Louis nods and wipes his eyes. Zayn gets up and leaves. The door opens again and Zayn's pushing Harry into the room. Zayn closes the door and leans against it. Harry looks at Louis and Louis looks at Harry. 

Louis breaks down crying in the middle of the bed and Harry rushes to comfort him. "I'm s-sorry..." Harry shushes him. "We're okay..." Louis smiles and they lay down. "Can we come in, are we safe to enter?" "Yeah." Liam, Niall, and Zayn enter and see Louis fast asleep. 

Harry smiles and pulls him closer. "Never want to loose him." They smile. "You never will." "You guys can camp in the living room..." "Thanks." They leave and Harry kisses Louis' forehead. "Love you." Harry falls asleep and Louis gets up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 

He looks in the living room and turns away. He didn't need to see that. He makes it back to the bedroom and lays down again after turning the heat on. He wants to erase half of what he's seen and read about. He kind of forgot of the whole Harry in the public eye thing.

Their lives are posted on magazines and posted online, taken out of context and many other things. Paparazzi invade their private and personal life and use the pictures to get money. Louis knows their wedding's not gonna be private either. 

Everyone's gonna see it and criticise it t every last detail. Louis wishes for a normal life. Next month is his birthday then it's Harry's. Louis smiles knowing they can get married soon.

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