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Louis wakes up and sees Harry sleeping next to him. He goes to get up and feel pain shoot up his back. He cries out and harry wakes up. "Morning Lou...wanna have a shower together..." "Sure..." Harry smiles and gets up. They go to the bathroom and get tub. Harry washes Louis' hair and Louis smiles. Louis goes to wash Harry's hair but he's too short. He stands up and washes Harry's hair. He feels a warmth around him. He looks down and sees Harry sucking him off. "Harry..." Louis spills out. Louis sinks to his knees. "W-was that okay?" Louis nods. They finish washing up and they get out. Louis puts on a pair of white cotton panties and Harry smiles. 

Harry puts a pair of black boxers and they go to the kitchen. Louis feels so relaxed that he can walk around in nothing but a pair of panties. Harry watches him as Louis is still tense and goes over to him. "Relax..." "Harry, you're 28, I'm only 16..." Harry remembers and wraps his arms around him. "I wish I could give it back to you..." "You can''t..." "Wish I could..." Louis wipes his eyes. "Don't cry..." "c-can I  get d-dressed." Harry lets go of him. "Yeah." Louis smiles and gives him a sweet kiss. Louis goes up to his room and gets dress. He wears the blue crop top and white skirt. He goes downstairs and hears people talking. 

"So, I saw the panties in the wash when I went to the bathroom. Who's the lucky lady... " "They're amazing..." Louis goes back and the door shuts with bang. He locks it and strips. He puts on a hoodie and a pair of sweats. He goes out and to the kitchen. He sees a guy with raven hair, a guy with brown slightly gelled up hair, and one that has blonde. They all look at Louis. The raven haired guy looks at Harry. "Isn't he a bit young?" Harry looks at Louis and smiles at him. Louis smiles at Harry and stands beside him. The other three guys look at him and he looks down. "How old are you..." Louis goes to answer but Harry answers. "He's 26..." Louis looks at him. Louis stands up and goes up to his room. He takes his backpack and looks through it.

Louis dumps it out and looks for a picture. He remembers these guys. He sits there and he sees the picture sticking out from a notebook and pulls it out. It's all of them. He was just 12 when they had this picture taken. He puts it on the bed and packs his bag again. He takes the pictures and sees them sitting at the table. "Hey..." Louis sees the raven haired boy looking at him. "What's your name..." Louis shakes his head. He sticks the picture on the fridge and runs up the stairs to his room. They all look at Harry. "He's shy..." Harry mumbles a few other words ."What?" "He's not 26." "How old is he?" "He's 16..." "Harry!, he can't live here with you, you're 28!" 

Harry stands up and goes up the stairs to Louis' room. He stands in the doorway and sees Louis looking at pictures. "What're you doing." "Looking at pictures." "Are they personal?" "Y-yeah... " "Okay... " Louis looks up. "What're their names?" "Zayn, Liam, and Niall." Louis nods. "Come down and have dinner with us." Louis looks at him. "Wear one of the dresses I put in your closet." Louis nods and gets up. He looks in his closet and sees the dresses. "Meet us down there in four hours." Louis nods and picks out the red dress and the red flats.

He heads to the bathroom and fills the tub. He sees a few pink bath-bombs with a lot of rose petals in them. He sees a note. Bought a few for you ~ H  Louis smiles and puts one in the water. When he gets in, he relaxes and takes the soap. He sticks his leg above the water and a razor. He shaves his legs. He gets out and dries off.  He puts the dress and flats on and goes downstairs. He leans against the balcony railing and sees Harry's friends looking up at him. Zayn looks up and smiles at him. Louis waits for Harry to turn around but he doesn't. Louis goes back into his room and sits on the bed. He wanted to impress Harry. There's a knock on his door and he looks up.

He sees Zayn and wipes his eyes. "You okay?" Louis nods. "Harry told us you were only 16." Louis nods. "He really care about you..." Louis looks at Zayn and smiles. Louis gets up and walks beside Zayn down the stairs. Harry sees Zayn walking from Louis room with Louis and glares at him. They all sit at the table. Harry has Louis sit beside him. Louis smiles and listens to them. During the meal, Harry puts his hand on Louis inner thigh and Louis' eyes widen a little. "So, Louis, how's school. Louis looks up. "I-It's fine..."

Louis feels his hand climb higher on him and feels Harry lean over to whisper in his ear. No one else hears this. "Not wearing panties?" Louis blushes and tears form in the corner of his eyes. He stands up and goes up to his room. "Louis, come back." Harry walks up the stairs. "Please don't lock yourself in your room...don't shut me out......again...hear me out..." "Why the fuck should I listen you to." "Listen, please. "I'm listening." "I've never felt this way about anyone before... and it scares the shit out of me." "You embarrassed me this evening..." "Tell me that something..." "I think I'm in love with you and scares me to death..." "I just think we need to talk......" 

Louis opens the door. "Come in." Harry goes in Louis room and they sit on the bed. Louis sits with his knees tucked under him. Louis gets up and locks the door. He looks at Harry. "I think you'll be happy to know that I'm not wearing any panties..." Harry smiles and stands up. He kisses Louis and Louis wraps his hands around Louis' neck. "Do I have your consent?" Louis smiles and puts their foreheads together. "yes..." Harry kisses him and lays him on the bed. "Get undressed." They both undress and Louis lays on the bed. "Wanna try something..." "What?" Harry smiles. "I need you to spread and bend your knees. Louis does as he's told. 

"Just like that." Harry ducks his head and Louis just sees curls. He feels something wet go over his hole and he moans. "shh....we have company..." Louis nods. Harry smiles and runs his tongue over Louis' tight ring of muscle and feels it tense. He sticks his whole tongue in and Louis arches off the bed. Harry pulls away. "Condom?" Louis shakes his head. "okay..." Harry sticks his dry fingers in Louis and Louis wipes his cheeks. "Don't cry..." Louis looks at Harry and sees love. Harry stops and hovers over him. He pushes in and waits. "move..." Harry moves in and out of the tight ring of pink muscle. Louis arches. Harry covers his mouth gently.

Louis bites Harry's neck and Harry bites his. Harry spills into Louis and Louis spills out on their stomachs. Harry smiles down at Louis and kisses him. He rolls to the side. "You were great." Louis blushes and tries to slow his breathing. Harry covers them and cuddles Louis. "Lou, do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Louis smiles ."Yes." Harry smiles and kisses him. "Get some sleep, I'll kick them out." Louis nods and watches Harry get dressed. He watches him leave and gets up and into a silk robe. He ties it and goes downstairs. "Hope you had a great evening..." "We did." They all turn to see Louis standing there with sex hair and a silk robe. 

Zayn looks between him and Harry. "Harry......you didn't......" Harry looks at Zayn and smiles "He was okay with it, I asked for consent." "You're 12 years apart..." Louis sighs and goes to the picture on and fridge. "Why can't things go back to how they were once before... " "What're you mean?" Louis looks at them with tears. "I haven't had a childhood, I was kidnapped..." They all look at him. "I had this friend, he was 12 years older then me and cared for me. I lost touch with him after I started school. The last thing we said to each other was, you said..." Harry looks at him. "You said you'd always be there for me...so how did this happen? Why weren't you there?" 

Louis looks at him. "H-How..." "Louis, I've missed you since the day you started school." Louis looks at him and then the picture. He looks at the others then the picture. They go over to him and see the picture. "We were all friends." "You were the youngest..." Louis blushes and then remembers that him and Harry have had sex twice. "Harry......" Harry looks down at him. "W-we..." Harry shushes him. "It's okay..." Zayn, Liam, and Niall leave and Louis smiles at Harry. "Missed you......" Harry and Louis go to their bedrooms but Louis can't sleep. He gets up and goes to Harry's room. He opens the door and climbs in bed. "Lou?" "Hey..." "Couldn't sleep."

"C'mon..." "Louis smiles and they cuddle in Harry's bed. Louis mumbles some words and Harry smiles. "Say that again?" "I l-love you..." "I love you too Lou... " Louis smiles and they fall asleep.

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