Chapter 12: Shocking Encounter

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After Deku, Ingenium, and Fahrenheit entered that pipe, Lemillion took charge of the operation. They all entered the building, and saw nothing. Suddenly, they heard screaming through two of the many pipes. Trapdoors then opened underneath all of the pillars, sending them through more pipes. They each ended up in their own room underground. The rooms were quite large, and only two people stood in each.

Kaminari landed right on his feet. He had been in plenty of traps like this before. It usually was to set up a one on one encounter with him and a villain. Only question, which villain. This room looked a lot more metal. It had tons of panels all over the wall, and a single terminal on the other side. A single man in a lab coat stood at the terminal.

"Hero, Chargebolt. Quirk: Electrification. You have gotten much more control over your power. But it still has limited uses. For example, electricity has weaknesses of it's own. Such as insulation, and conduction."

He placed his hand on the terminal, and a blue circuit-like pattern appeared on his hand and the terminal. The pattern went to a few of the panels on the wall, which opened them to reveal turret looking things. Kaminari wasn't even going to wait to see what those did. He fired a disc at the villain, which landed on the floor next to him. It still would release electricity onto the villain, so he pulled down his sunglasses and released 100,000 volts of electricity. The lightning went toward him, but when it made contact with the disc, the lightning stopped. The turrets had fired two black discs next to Kaminari. The lightning bolt was redirected towards Kaminari. He felt a surge of electricity go throughout his entire body. More turrets appeared, and hit him with more of those discs. The rest of the turrets released more electricity. Kaminari felt so much pain. The villain just stood there. The electricity was still going through his first disc though. Chargebolt fired more discs at the villain. It took some of the voltage away, but it all quickly returned. Kaminari amped up his electricity to 100,000,000 volts of electricity. He knew that the upped voltage would effect the villain, and the terminal. Not to mention the heat that lightning gives off would do some work on the discs. His plan worked. The terminal short-circuited and the villain fell to the ground. But it worked a bit too well.

Kaminari's vision started getting Blurry, Fuzzy.


A/N I've wanted to do that for 11 chapters now. Not much else to say, so everybody do the Kaminari!

 Not much else to say, so everybody do the Kaminari!

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