Chapter One: The Twelve Pillars

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It's been 3 years since the bomb went off. The percent distribution changed over the last 2. The screen Izuku was reading said

Quirk distribution
Without quirks: 50%
Lost quirks: 20%
Heroes: 11%
Villains: 12%
Heroes in training: 1%
Quirks but aren't heroes: 1%

UA had decided to stay as a hero school, but it had a very few students in the hero course. The other schools had gotten rid of their hero courses. Izuku couldn't help but feel lucky that he went to school when he did. He heard a knock on his door, and it scared him out of his trance.

"Come in"

Tokoyami walked in, "Evening Midoryia. Kirishima is buying drinks for Bakugo's birthday. Will you join us?"

Izuku had completely forgotten about Kacchan's birthday! He realized if Bakugo knew that he had forgotten, then all of the work rebuilding Musutafu would've gone to waste! "Y-yeah, just gonna run some errands, I'll be there in 30 minutes." Izuku said nervously.

"You forgot didn't you, Midoryia?"

"Don't tell Kacchan! He'll go nuts! He won't go as nuts if I'm late."

"Very well. I just hope you have something in mind."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief and was happy that Tokoyami wouldn't tell Kacchan about him forgetting. Once work ended, Izuku ran to Hatsume's office.

"Hatsume! I need a present for Kacchan's birthday. You have any smoke bombs?"

"My babies are never as basic as smoke bombs. Take this. It's like a smoke bomb, but instead of smoke, it has nano bot flashbang grenades! Perfect for blinding enemies!"

"How much?"

"Since it's for Blast, I won't charge you this time around."

Izuku gave her a gratuitous smile and thanked her for the gear. He then ran towards Bakugo and Katsuki's favorite bar, 'Ol Hammies. He ran in to see Ashido, completely wasted, singing a pop song in her best opera voice. So the party was going great. Katsuki had rented it out for the night. With so many famous pro heroes, they'd be hard pressed to catch a break. All 12 pillars were there. Bakugo of course, Todoroki, Iida, Tsuyu, Ashido, Momo, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Kirishima, Mineta, and the only one that caught his eye, Ochaco Uraraka.

Ever since they both were asked by the government to join the Twelve Pillars, an elite group of heroes, they had gotten closer and were great friends again. Uraraka still got sick when she used her quirk, but only when she used it on herself for more than 15 minutes. Izuku had even rediscovered his feelings for her.

"Hey Ura, how was your day?" Ura was a nickname that Izuku had given her after they became pillars. He didn't want to call her by her first name, and Uraraka became hard to say after not seeing her for 3 years.

"Hey Deku, er-uh, Midoryia. Sorry, forgot that was your hero name now. Don't want to give out your secret identity. I had a good day. Kind of laid back, but still good."

"Great! H-hey um..." He had just remembered what him and Ingenium were talking about at lunch

McFlashback Time!

"Hey, Midoryia, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up Iida?"

"Ashido and I have been getting serious recently, and I was just wondering if you could help me live up to what she wants?"

"I don't know why you're asking me for relationship advice, I dont even have a girlfriend."

"AHA! Ashido was correct! If I asked you about relationships then you would unintentionally give information on your love life! This is why I love you Ashido!"

"That's not fair man"

"Midoryia, as your best male friend, I must implore you to start a relationship. You deserve happiness. If you would like, I could help you ask Uraraka on a date."

"That's nice of you Iida, but, I feel like I should do that on my own"

"AHAHAHA! Another suspicion confirmed. You do have feelings for Uraraka."

"Low blow Iida"

End of McFlashback

"... I-I was wondering if-" He was cut off by a completely wasted Bakugo on stage.

"Huh-hey Deku. Ya friggin nerd. Come sing the song!" He said drunkenly into the microphone.

Izuku hesitantly agreed and went up to see an oldie on the screen. Bakugo sang in his falsetto the whole time, even though he was supposed to be singing the bass part. The song ended and Izuku had temporarily lost all hearing in his right ear. One more and he'd never have to hear Kacchan sing again. He had completely forgotten about what he was going to say to Uraraka, so he just ordered a light drink, and sat down with her, Iida, and Ashido completely blacked out on Iida's lap. They drank and sang the rest of the night, and Izuku only got a bit tipsy. When they finished giving Kacchan his presents, and had broken the karaoke machine after Kaminari sang Electric Slide, they decided to go home.

"Midoryia, wait up!" yelled Uraraka from behind.

Izuku turned around to see her panting from running. She didn't drink much either, so they realized they had to give everyone a ride home. "Yeah, what's up Ura?"

"W-weren't you gonna ask me s-something earlier?" She asked nervously.

"Oh, u-um, yeah. I-I was j-j-just gonna ask, if m-maybe you wanted to... get lunch sometime? Like, as a date?"

Uraraka was a little surprised by this. She wasn't angry mind you, but Izuku had been her best friend since the UA entrance exam. And even though she had buried her feelings for Izuku back then, it was like they became a landmine and exploded as soon as Izuku asked her out. She blushed and so did Izuku.

"Yes. I'd love to. Where and when?" She asked, making Izuku blush even more.

"U-u-um, maybe, Wheelie Café? Friday during our lunch break?"

"That'd be great! Looking forward to it!" She ran to her car to give Mineta, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Iida, and Ashido a ride home, while Izuku gave Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki, and Momo rides. The alcohol had dissipated by now in both of them. Perhaps it was the excitement of planning their first date. After dropping off the intoxicated heroes off at their homes, they went home and both had trouble sleeping. The same thought gravitating through both their heads. Did that really happen?!

Hey guys, my update schedule will be very inconsistent cuz I am lazy boi. Also, skip next part if you've already seen MHA I have some friends I wanna show this to, and most if them haven't seen it so imma give them a brief rundown on quirks and stuff. Thanks! Pls click all the buttons! Constructive criticism is very welcome.

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