chapter 22

439 13 15

Your Pov

Private chat with that high asshole

That high asshole: you need to break up with them and if you don't I will kill all of them

I didn't answer and just sat there for idk how long, but after some time I got up and walked out of the house and went to my own house. I sent the boys a message telling them that I needed some time for myself.

1 month later

I haven't seen the boys in a month now and yes I have seen the videos and pictures of the boys they look sad and tired and they don't even try to hide it. Rye also looks like he is not eating enough. I just hope that this will get better for the boys soon because it breaks me to see them this way.

I'm also not taking this well either. I haven't slept for so long but yet I don't get out of bed. I just lay there wanting to die. Yvette tried to reach me a few times but I never answered.

I heard my phone ringing so I answer it.


"hello is this Y/n Y/l/n"

"yes that's me what's going on"

"I sorry to say that your dad got arrested for murder"

"what can I know who he murdered"

"Andy Fowler"

And I just froze. I can't believe it. I broke down crying and I couldn't stop.

I hear my front door open and I look up and I'm shocked "no no this can't be how" I just stare "they told me you died" I get up and pull Andy into a tight hug and sob into his neck.

The boys explained what had happened. And I just don't understand it but they say that it doesn't matter anyway. "so we got Yvette to hack your phone and then we saw the message and yes it hurt us that you didn't trust us enough the tell us about this, And then we got up with a plan and one of your dad's colleague's that was so done with the world he lived in but he know that if he tried to stop with the drug world that he would be killed anyway and luckily for us he looked like Andy so yes he's free and Your dad will be in jail forever" I couldn't help but cry with happiness I just pulled them all in a hug "sorry for leaving like that I should have talked about it but I just couldn't I thought you guys would make me stay and get yourself killed" They just look at me with an expression that tells me that I wasn't wrong.

The boys where all sleeping so it was now me and Rye that where awake "Rye" "yea" I stare at him with a painful expression "Why didn't you eat anymore" "I didn't want to eat any food because you didn't make it and I just wanted you to show up and cook for us again and that didn't happen and I just missed you so much" He looks at me as if he's ashamed that he felt that way. I put my hand on his cheek and stare at him. God he's so handsome I just want him to fuck me until I can't walk anymore. "we can make that happen love" I blush because I didn't realize that I said that out loud. Rye pulls me to the guest room and kisses me and the rest you can fill in yourself because it isn't PG.

Me: good morrow my loves where are all of you I woke up all alone :(

Jack: come outside

Me: why

Brook: just come

Me: but nature smells

Mikey: come outside or I will drag you outside

Me: uhg okay dad

Mikey: I would like it more if you called me Daddy ;)

Me: ew only jack is daddy

Brook: I know right

Me: Mikey babe you're too cute to be called daddy

Andy: come down stairs now.

I huff and put on a random sweater on and it smells like Mikey so that's great.

I get outside and see that they have laid down blankets and pillows and it has Andy's guitar there. "come chill with us babe we have frozen grapes" Brook says and points at an empty space on the blanket next to him and Jack. I lay down with them and we had the best time ever we sang some song and played some never have I ever. But I never realized that Robbie filmed it until I got a notification on my phone and saw that it was the boys their vlog channel. I click the video and it shows me and the boys singing together and playing never have I ever, It's just so cute. I liked it and commented 'so happy with these amazing boys they are the best boyfriends ever. I also posted a picture on Instagram of all of us laying there and watching Andy play the guitar.

This day made up for all the days I missed with the for the past month. I just hope we will never break up because it will break my heart. "we still have next week of tour you want to come along this time?" I nod and just smile so bright I can't believe that I will still go on tour with them even though it's just for a week.

I just love my boys so much they are my world.

Did you have a small heart attack? I'm sorry if you did


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