chapter 5

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Your pov

We're finally at the studio and I see Andy and Rye cuddling on some couch inside "hey guys we're here finally" I look at Brook pissed and he just smiles and gives me the finger, They all laugh and then get to work. I've been watching and listing to them singing for like two hours and I'm starting to get bored "guys we need some people to go to asda because we need some sweets and stuff" "I'll go" Mikey and I say in sync. The guys look at us weirdly "Brook will take us and then he will just wonder of like always" "HEYY rude but true" "okay that's settled then" I pull Mikey with me to the car and we get both in the back and Brook gets in the front.

We pull up in front of asda we get out and Brook just leaves without saying anything. Mikey and I go inside and walk around a bit chatting "oh y/n can you grip the kit kats" I nod and try to reach it but can't because I'm too small I want turn around and ask Mikey to help, but I feel a hand on my hip and a body pressed against my back. "Let me help you babe" Mikey whispers in my ear, I blush and turn around while Mikey is still standing close. I really want to kiss him but decide against it and give him a kiss on his cheek and say thanks before getting out of his hold. We get the rest of the stuff the boys wanted and go outside again and see brook standing there we get in the car and this whole time we didn't say anything to each other. We went back to the studio and chilled a bit more there before all going back, I ate dinner at their house and then went back home and laid on bed. Why was everything so awkward between Me and Mikey did I do something wrong? Let's hope everything get better after a good night sleep.

Me: good night guys

I never got a reply but I didn't think to much of it and went just back to sleep.

Next morning.

Me: good morning guys

No reply

I waited for a few hours before sending a few more messages but never a reply. I want over to their house but no one answered. Well they are probably just busy.

But being busy for a day soon turned into being busy for a week and the for a month. After a month I stopped trying to reach them, I still watched their videos but that only made me feel me more miserable. Yes sometimes I would still see them walk in their garden or pass them with my car but they just acted like I didn't exist.

Leave the group.

I have been staring at that button for a while now, should I wait and just stay or leave. I decide that I should leave the group but not before saying one last thing in the group.

I understand that you guys don't wanna talk anymore and I understand that but I would have wished that you guys would at least have had the balls to tell it to me but anyway have great life and good luck with the band and Mikey I love you but you obviously don't love me but I wish you the best of luck

And with that I left the group, I let myself fall back on my bed and cry until I fall asleep.

Mikey's pov

Me: guys I did a stupid thing

Brook: ah that bitch finally left

Jack: hahah Bye bitch

Andy: what did you do Mikey?

Mikey: remembered when I said that y/n was being rude about all of us

Rye: Mikey...

Mikey: I may have made that up because I was upset that she didn't wanna kiss me

Andy: Mikey you asshole we have ignored for a month and you decide to say that now

Rye: You dickhead I actually saw her cry when we just passed her and laughed how could you

Mikey: I'm so sorry guys

Jack: so wait we don't hate her anymore

Brook: no I think we're hating Mikey now is that right?

Rye: yeah that's right

Andy: Mikey I think it's the best if you went to your family for a while

Mikey: but y/n..

Brook: no Mikey please just go to your family

Rye: we will talk to y/n

Jack: and if that's all okay you can come back but right now we just don't wanna see you for a while

Mikey: okay I will start packing and will be gone then but please say y/n that I'm very sorry

Andy: we will

Rye: bye Mikey

Jack: bye

Brook: bye mate have a good time with your fam

Andy: brook... we are mad at him

Brook: so what isn't he allowed to have a good time

Andy: never mind

Andy kicked you out of the group.

I start packing my bags thinking about how stupid I have been. I'm so sorry y/n and I do love you.

That's it, that's the chapter and an itty bitty drama right there.


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