chapter 21

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Your pov

I woke up in Rye's bed alone so I got out and walked down stairs I see them all sitting around the table and whispering to each other so I decided to stay around the corner and listen to them. "He can't be dead I didn't hit him that hard" jack says. " Mate you went crazy" Robbie says. I walk in "did jack kill Sonny" they all look at me in shock and then nod "okay good he deserved it" Andy frowns and then says "yeah but Jack might get caught and then he will go to jail". I grin "I might know someone who can help us with that" they look at me in shock "who" jack says. "my step dad" "the drug dealer?" Mikey askes. I just nod and get my phone and start texting him.

Private chat with that high asshole

Me: hey I have a big problem can you help me

That high asshole: You mean that boy that got beaten to dead by one of you boyfriends

Me: how do you know that

That high asshole: I have my ways but I will take care of it don't worry you have fun on tour of them.

Me: literally how but thanks anyway

That high asshole: I just make sure you're not in trouble so that also means keeping your boyfriends save.

Me: well thanks

"Okay he will take care of it so don't worry about it" They all look relieved "we have to go to studio all day and then to Blair you want to come along" Rye asks "no thanks I have a better idea" they look at me with confusion "I will go hang out with Yvette might be fun" "she's great and she will be happy to hang out with you" Robbie says. Robbie gave me the number of Yvette so I texted her.

Private chat with Yvette

Me: HELLO it's y/n

Yvette: oh god what happened now

Me: hey!!

Me: I just wanted to hang out with you today

Yvette: This is gonna sound sad but yes.

Me: okay can you come to the Hogwarts?

Yvette: yes sure be there in 10.

I said bye to the guys and Robbie went along with them but I feel kind of bad for ignoring Brook but I will talk to him tonight.

The doorbell rings and I run to the door and let Yvette in.

What we ended up doing was stealing Rye's guitar and putting stickers on it and eating and climbing on the rock climbing wall and now we are on our way to the rope swing. "Do you think Brook still loves us" I ask Yvette "I'm sure he does but everyone makes mistakes and Robbie told me what Sonny did to Brook so he might have been scared out of him mind and Brook doesn't like showing his weakness he covers it with his weirdness". I frown "can you tell me what Sonny did to Brook" she nods and starts talking "Sonny was brooks boyfriend for a very long time but he manipulated Brook and made him do horrible stuff and one of these things was beating up fovvs. Sonny has also raped Brook multiple times and he can't say no to sonny because he gets scared so please don't be mad at him, he made a mistake but he probably couldn't think" I look down feeling guilty for being mad "I didn't know" "you couldn't and he doesn't like talking about it". We talked a bit more and fully forgot about the swing and walked back to the house as it was getting dark.

Yvette went home and soon after that the guys walk in and I walk past all of them and just pull Brook into a hug "what" "I'm sorry for being mad at you I didn't know. Please don't feel like you have to stay strong around us" and with that he held me even closer and started crying and not like softly crying no more like full on sobbing. "it will be all okay we are here for you and always will be" the other boys also joined the hug we had a long hug and Brook was now smiling and laughing.

I was making dinner with Andy when the doorbell rings "I will go" Mikey says. "Y/n you ight want to come to the door" I hear Mikey shout so I sort of speed walk (the math teacher walk) to the door, and see my step dad standing there. I told Mikey to go back to the others while I talk to my step dad "what do you want" "is that how you thank me for cleaning up the mess jack made baby bear" I almost growl "don't call me that" "okay anyway they have arrested Tyrone he didn't have the money to pay for the drugs he bought from me so it's better that he's there" I just nod and was about to close the door when he says something "but you will owe me one" and with that he walks away. And I promised myself to never tell the boys about the favor I owe him. I walked back to the boys and told about the fact that my step dad fixed the murder so we could have fun on tour. They seemed relieved, if they only knew.

I was laid in Mikey's bed and he was asleep and I just couldn't seem to fall asleep so I decides to slip out of the bed and go for a late night drink. I walk into the kitchen and see Jack sitting there "hey are you alright" I ask him. He shrugs "I saw the news and this innocent kid got arrested for a murder he didn't commit and I feel so guilty that had to be me" "the boy isn't innocent babe he was a druggie that didn't pay and being in jail is saver because else my step dad would have killed him" He nods and goes to bed. I get some water and check my phone and see a text from my step dad and I just look at it in shock, no I can't do that. I will never be able to do that I couldn't live with myself....



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