chapter 14

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Andy's pov

I walk downstairs still half asleep, I walk into the kitchen and look at the walls in shock "Robbie fucking Beaumont get your ass over here" Robbie walks in rubbing his eyes "what is it fovvs" I point at the pictures "Did you do this". He looks around the whole room with big eyes "what the fuck" he says "oh come on I know you did it" "did what" I hear Mikey say walking in with y/n right behind him. "This" I say yet again pointing at all the pictures. "omg I've never seen this picture of you babe" y/n says, I roll my eyes "that's not the point, the point is Robbie did it" "it can't have been him he just stopped editing he was up all night editing, he already finished the new vlog and put it on premiere already" Mikey says. "wait on premiere?" "yeah so you guys will not be late again" y/n says smirking so I give her the finger.

"but back to the problem who did it" Jack also walks in together with Rye. Jack huffs "It were y/n and Brook" I look up at him in surprise "how do you know that" "because those assholes thought it would be funny to scare me while I was sleeping at fucking 5 am". We all turn to y/n, she yelps and starts running into the garden. We all run after her and I scream "we will get you, you bitch" "you won't even zombies are faster than you" she screams at me. Oh she will regret that one I run even faster and pass all the boys and tackle y/n to the ground and start tickling her "no no please stop" she laughs while wiggling around. I stop when she starts screaming. We all laugh about it and head in to see brook staring at a picture of Jack without shirt. We decide not to say anything to brook and make him take all the pictures off.

We're now all just sitting in the living room I'm sitting in Rye's lap and y/n is laying on Mikey's lap with her head and has her legs and feet on Jack and brook their laps.

We're all on our phone texting each other

Your pov

Jack: Remember when that glow stick hit me in the eyes

Me: yeah I saw the vids but you were wearing mermaid glasses babe

Jack: I know but it could have hit me in the eye

Andy: I legit thought it hit you in the eye I got mad at roadies and told them that they can't take glow sticks with them anymore, now I feel sorry

Me: they weren't gonna listen anyway

Andy: what?

Me: when you tell the roadies not to do something they will do it that's also why they call you dad.

Andy: they call me dad

Me: nah that's a joke

Andy: okay good

Me: they call you mom!

Rye: oh yeah I saw a few of them doing that yeah

Jack: haha yeah

Andy: I don't wanna be a mom why do they call me mom

Me: uhm

Brook: because you're the serious one

Andy: well someone needs to be huh Brook

Brook: nahhhh we will survive

Rye: no we really need Andy Brook

Jack: yeah who helped you when you were stuck in the bathroom for the 5th time

Brook: Andy did, okay he's very important

Me: guys why are we texting

Jack: because distance

Me: my feet are literally on you lap you asshat

Jack: well uhmmmmm because it costs a lot of energy

Jack: owww why would you kick me

Jack: guys no stop talking

Jack: no no no don't put your phones away

Jack: I don't wanna talk

Jack: pffft I will just talk to myself

Jack: hey I'm jack I'm the most talented and handsome one from roadtrip

Jack: hello jack you really are and so am I

"Okay that's pathetic" I grab his phone and keep it with me for the rest of the night. We watched a movie together but what we didn't notice there that someone was taking pictures of us.

Cliffhanger bitches. Follow jackseyesgc on Instagram please it would mean the world to me.


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