chapter 16

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Your pov

I woke up to someone poking my cheek and I hear Jack say "Brook stop poking her she's sleeping" "not anymore" I mumble "sorry babe" Brook says softly, I open my eyes and look around to find him looking down at his hands looking kind of sad. I get up and walk over to him and sit down behind him and slip my arms around his waist, he leans back and lays his head on my shoulder "thanks babe" he whispers so only I can hear "no problem love" I kiss his temple and let go of him "so who wants breakfast" I say looking at everyone that's in the room which are only Brook, Jack and Mikey. They start looking embarrassed "uhm Andy and Rye are already making breakfast well uhm they tried but uhm yeah" "Jack what did they do" "they might have burned the food.." "and" "And the book that's was next to it" I huff and walk down stairs to see Rye and Andy trying the fix the book "so that didn't go well did it" they both freeze and turn around slowly "hey y/n" Rye says "so we tried making breakfast and when we weren't looking some squirrels came in and...." "It doesn't matter Rye stuff like this happens" I hug them both and then start making breakfast for us and I didn't burn anything. Because you know I'm better than those idiots.

Mikey and I are cleaning the dishes when I realize I haven't watered my cactus in like a few weeks "oh guys can one of you water the cactus in the living room?" Andy gets up and starts doing what I asked when I suddenly hear him say " y/n why do I need to water this is it a joke?" I turn around to look at him "what do you mean". "It's a fake cactus" "no it's not" I walk over "babe it's fake" "no it's real I've had it for years and I have been water it for so long" "babe its plastic" I frown and he just breaks a bit off "look it's plastic" "then why have I been watering it?" Andy seems to not what to say something. "Omg have we found someone related to Brook" I scold at Jack who said that "why are you so mean to me" I pout.

They laugh at me and then we all sit down on the couch to talk. "Babe we're going on Europe tour soon and now is the question do you want to come on tour with us" "how long will it be because I will have to talk to my school" "it will be like one month" "that will be possible so yes I will come on tour with you" The boys all cheer.

I'm home alone now because the boys had to go to studio and I didn't want to go because its very boring.

Brook: What's up

Me: it's a movie about Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old balloon salesman, is about to fulfill a lifelong dream. Tying thousands of balloons to his house, he flies away to the South American wilderness. But curmudgeonly Carl's worst nightmare comes true when he discovers a little boy named Russell is a stowaway aboard the balloon-powered house.

Brook: wtf

Me: yeah you asked me what up was so I explained what up the movie was.


Mikey: that's why we all love you very much

Me: huh?

Mikey: Oh no never mind

Mikey: oh fuck you can read it back

Mikey: how do you delete this shit

Rye: Oh so this is the reason Mikey smashed his phone against the wall

Rye: but yeah we should probably explain the to you uhm I will ask fovvs to do it

Andy: thanks Rye -_- so uhm we all like you more than just friends

Me: what do you mean....

Andy: we are all in love with you

Me: like all of you

Andy: yes

Me: but you and Rye are in a relationship and so are Jack and Brook right

Andy: yes but I also am in a relationship with Jack and Brook and also with Mikey.

Me: so what does this mean

Andy: uhm

Jack: omg we just want you to be our girlfriend was that so difficult fovvs

Andy: yes it actually was you bitch

Me: I can't believe what I'm about to say


Me: yes I will be your girlfriend.

Me: But I also want a fish in the tank

Andy: is that literally you only wish

Me: yeah

Brook: see I told you she was perfect

Andy: I know she's perfect you jackass

Jack: girls don't fight

Me: I can't believe I said yes.

Me: But I'm happy I did

Rye: so she said yes

Me: yes she did boyfriend

Rye: did she girlfriend

Me: yes surprisingly she did boyfriend

Rye: That's great girlfriend

Jack: this is awkward –Mikey

Me: Mikey you idiot why would you smash you phone

Jack: I freaked out frick out –Mikey

Me: go focus on studio stuff boyfriends

Jack: still awkward –Mikey

Me: go focus assholes

Jack: that's how I know you

Andy: yeah yeah we will focus now see you later babe

Rye: ttyl babe

Jack: I still don't know what that mean but talk to you later love

Me: hahah idiot bye guyssss xx

Brook: bye x

How are you guys, did you like it, was it okay, looking forward to the next chapter.

I will go now


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