chapter 1

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Chapter 1

First a few things you will be 18 and you will live in London because that's just easier, enjoy!

You have been added to 5 idiots by unknown.

Me: what the.. who the frick are you?

Unknown: wait your not Brooklyn?

Me: You're. and no I'm y/n.

Unknown: Rye you idiot I already said I should do it!

Unknown added unknown.

Me: okay I will just leave byee.

Unknown: NO stay we wanna know who Rye accidentally added.

Me: okay I will stay but everyone please say their name because this is confusing.

Unknown: Rye :)

Unknown: Jack!

Unknown: Mikeyyy

Unknown : Andy and the only one left is Brook but he's probably asleep or eating or trapped in the bathroom again.

Me: nice to meet you all, so where are you guys from?

Jack: London

Mikey: Jack you idiot why would you will a stranger where we live.

Jack: It's not like I gave the exact address.

Me: I'm also from London and don't worry I'm too lazy to stalk someone

Brooklyn: stop texting it's way too early

Me: it's 2 pm...

Brooklyn: wait who are you

Me: I'm y/n and you're Brooklyn am I right?

Brooklyn: did someone add a fan again?

Me: fan?

Andy: Brook we didn't wanna tell her yet

Me; tell me what...?

Andy: well we are in this band Roadtrip and we're kinda known

Me: never heard of it but I will check it out wait one sec.

5 minutes later.

Me: you guys are really good and hot but who is who

Rye: from left to right Mikey, Andy, Brook, me and Jack

Rye: from left to right Mikey, Andy, Brook, me and Jack

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Me: omg you guys are just so hot like how?

Andy: thanks love tell us a bit about yourself.

Jack: yeah tell us about yourself stranger

Brooklyn: yeah

Me okay okay so I live in London I'm 18 and in a culinary school and I have very weird neighbors they keep running through our fields.

Rye: haha that sounds so annoying maybe you should just tell them.

Me: nah I'm more like a silent hater.

Andy: more like you don't dare to say anything

Me: maybe

Mikey: so that's a yes haha I used to be very shy too.

Jack: oh we have a vlog channel as well if you wanna get to know us a bit more

Me: okay I will go and watch what is it called

Jack: RoadTrip Volgs

Andy: RoadTrip Vlogs

Mikey: RoadTrip Vlogs

Rye: RoadTrip Vlogs

Brooklyn: I think one time would have been enough but yeah RoadTrip Vlogs.

Me: hahahaha okay I will go watch!

Twenty minutes later


Mikey: Wait what are we..


Andy: well that's very weird

Rye: yeah indeed

Brooklyn: huh what's going on.

Jack: idk mate it's weird

Me: you guys are my annoying neighbors!

That's the first chapter guys hope you had fun, I will try to upload a new one after dinner.


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