Chapter 8.

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[ Mrs. Choi's P.O.V. ]

2:30 p.m.

My eyes read the black leathered watch with golden flakes attatched to my wrist.

Another day of work complete. Time to go home and cook dinner for the kids.

I mentally sigh as I began packing up my stuff and neatly placing them in their respective spots inside my bag.

As I came across the last few items, I noticed the slip of paper meant for detentions.

Kim Y/N.

I never expected her to actually use that type of language in MY classroom.

Whatever, let's just head home.

| T I M E  S K I P ☁️ |

I locked my classroom door and started down the hall.

My head turned and examined the lockers and walls of the semi-old school.

The interior design was nice. It had a few parts where it would look outdated. But most of the building could qualify as modern architecture.

Halfway down the corridor, I heard a locker close.

My feet stopped in there tracks as I turned around to the sound of faint foot steps.

"H-hello? Who's there?"

The foot steps became clear. Who ever this person was they were coming towards my direction.

I panicked, dropping my bags in the process. Indidn't know what to do.

All of a sudden the foot steps had stopped.

I tried listening for anymore noise, but... nothing.

I could feel my body physically relax as the thought of someone being there faded away.


A hand came up ot of no where. Grasping my mouth, closing it shut by pinching my lips together.

My eyes automatically widened and my heartbeat fastened to a pace faster than a sprinter.

I tried screaming but that ended up having me being punched on the right side of my throat.

I let out a whimper as the stranger pulled me back. Basically dragging me out of he double doors.

My neck felt strained as I tried turningg it to see if I coumd get a glimpse of what this man looked like.

If I manage to escape, I can give this information to the police. And I'll be safe.

But boy did life and fate have different plans for me.

He dragged me up to a truck. It looked to be a 4x4 gray truck with a couple of scratches here and there.

The man used one hand to hold me in place, and used the other to get a piece of rope.

"Don't scream or I'll kill you right on the spot. You here me?"

I could only let out a whine as my mind filled with images of him beating me to a pulp.

By now he had finished tying me up with the ropes.

He threw me into the back of the truck and before I knew it,

I was knocked out cold.
Hi. Before you hit me with a shovel, I'm sorry for not updating in like a really long time.

I have volleyball and my mom has me workin outside most of the time.

I'll try to update this story for often and if I can't I apologize in advance.

Thank you for reading my story so far💜💜


𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝐼𝓃𝒹𝓊𝓁𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 || Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now