Badass!Cuphead x Shy! Female! Waitress! Reader

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Y/N cleaned up the empty cups and plates from the table and set them onto her servers tray. She walked over to another table and started to clean up from there. Suddenly,  a bell rang signaling another customer was to be served. You immediately stumbled away and moved to go get some clean glasses in case the customer wanted anything to drink. 

When you came back out, you almost dropped your tray.

There sat Cuphead. The guy you keep seeing. He came at least once a week for coffee and you have fallen head over heels. 

You panicked and quickly move to the counter, hoping he didn't see your red face. 

"Hey, Y/N?" You jolted and turned around. You sighed in relief seeing it was only your fellow colleague.  "What's up?" You ask gratefully. "The guy at table six wants a coffee. So hurry up." They shoved a cup of coffee in your hands and leaned in to say something. 

"Go get him." 

You blushed intensely while whispering a small "Fuck you." Your colleague gave you a crooked smile and went to the back to get more supplies.

You shyly made your way over to the cup-toon. You felt like your feet was made of stone. What if you fell and spilled coffee all over his shirt? That wouldn't be very professional. Or make a good first impression. You imagined Cuphead in a coffee soaked sweater angrily glaring at you. Then he'd take it off to wash it and you couldn't help but stare...

'Woah, Y/N. Pull yourself together." Your rationally broke through your fantasy. You focused on setting the cup onto his table and quickly tried to scoot away.

But someone grabbed your hand.

"Where are you going, sweetheart? " Cuphead flashed a flirty grin. You felt your face reach a hundred degrees. Your uniform suddenly seemed so hot. Why was everything else so dizzy? Your head spun and your knees buckled. 

He placed something into your hand. "Call me, gorgeous." And with that said, he gently let go of your wrist. 

Meanwhile, your brain wasn't functioning properly.  You felt your heart rate skyrocket as you dragged yourself back to the counter.  You noticed your colleague leaning on the counter, giving you the "How'd-it-go?" look.

"You planned this, didn't you?" You said after a shaky sigh. "Duh." They said. "You can thank me with some ice cream." They gave you a mischievous smirk.

"Now go get ready for date."

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