Cuphead x reader LEMON

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Your POV

"Seriously, Y/n! You could have gotten hurt! Or worse..." Cuphead gripped your shoulders

His blood red stared into your own e/c orbs. His rage was unmeasurable. What you did not only pissed him off, but also scared the living shit out of him. 


You remember fighting the boulder spider. Its jaws narrowingly missing you again and again. You had to keep dodging, distracting it was part of the plan. Suddenly the monster turned towards your boyfriend. There was Cuphead was frantically shooting the spider trying to look for a space or opening to escape. "Y/n, stay back!" You ignore his plea and run up pushing Cup out of the way of the monster's oozing jaws. The spider slams you against the cavern wall. You faintly hear someone screaming your name then black. 

The next thing you know your wrapped up in your sleeping bag, but your in Cup's tent. You slowly get up. Your entire body ached. You trudged out of the tent. There you see Felix and Mugs talking to Cup. Cup's eyes suddenly widened seeing you. He immediately rushed up to you. "You okay? Nothing broken?" You nod. "Then What the hell were you thinking?!"

~End of flashback~

"You could have died too, moron." You retort. 

Cup:"That's not the point!"

You:"But I-"

Cup:"You didn't listen to me! I told you to stay back!

You:"I'm not a robot! I not going to do everything you tell me to-"

Cup:"You disobeyed me Y/n! You almost lost your life due to your arrogance!"

You:"Why are you so shocked?! You do this to me all the time!"

Cup:"Shut up! You didn't follow my orders!"

Mugs: "Uh Cup, maybe take it down a notch-

"Stay out of this, Mug!"

You:"Cup, I'm sorry but I-"


You look in up in terror. Your boyfriend never ever did this to you. Was he even your boyfriend anymore? Was all the times you had with him meant nothing? You look at Felix and Mugs. Complete horror covered their faces. You look over to Cup. He looked in horror on what he had done. "W-Wait. Y/n I-I didn't-" You didn't give him time to finish. You run past him out off the camp site and into the dark woods. 

You didn't stop until reached the creek. You hear your tears plipping the surface of the water. It was a beautiful evening. Cup would have like this. Wait. You tried to ignore the feeling in your stomach whenever you thought of that idiot. You couldn't help it, you still loved him. You were about to head back, when a screeching noise cuts through the forest. A slimy tentacle wraps around your leg. It drags you into the bushes. You reach out your arms to grab onto a nearby tree. The tentacle tightens its grip on your leg. You yelp in pain. Suddenly a hooded figure comes out of the shadows. "H'lo Sinner." The figure lifted its hood. Two pointy horns protruded from the forehead. Wings of some black substance were plastered on his back. Stitches covered one half of his face. Sharp teeth and claws glinting red. He inched closer his long black tongue hanging. His claws scrape your cheek. You could feel blood dripping down your neck. He examined his claws. The demon grinned. "Now who should I kill first? The cup fellow or his little brat?" You bear hug the tree determined not to let go. The demon looked amused. He grabs your neck and drags you over to the riverbed. He pushes your head underwater. The air bubbles over your head. The demon pinned your arms to your sides. You feel your breath thinning then something pulls you out. 

"Y/n? Y/n! Talk to me baby! You open your eyes. You see a ruby pair of eyes. "Hey Cuppy." He chuckles. The demon was crumpled on the ground next you, blood trailing down his chin. Cuphead sits down next to you. The tension was clearly there. You snuggle into his sleeve. "I forgive you." He looks down. "R-Really?" 

"I know you can be brash at times. Nothing will ever change my love for you. I-"

Your cut off by a pair of lips meeting yours. Then with a playful growl Cup starts to kiss your neck. He made his way down to your chest peeling of your shirt. You moan a little. He's usually never this "forward". Cup made his way down to your stomach kissing lightly making you giggle. He then pulls down your pants and panties. Cup unbuckles his own pants and pushes down his boxers. You blush at his length. He pins you down smirking. Even after so many times of doing this you never got over on how hot he was when he was in heat. Slowly he enters. You mumble soft squeaks. "You still disobeyed me. You'll have to be punished." He dropped to the husky tone you loved so much. Then without warning he slammed into you. You scream. Cup pounded into you faster wanting to hear his name. The way he was being so aggressive was kinda hot. His face glistened in sweat and lust filled his gaze. Your screams went to moans, then you came. Cup let go of your hips. Sitting back to rest for a minute. Sweat dripped down your face. You started to reach for your clothes then Cup snatched you off the ground. "Who said I was done, babe?" Soon your back on the ground again only this time on your hands and knees. You feel his hands grip your waist. Then he forcefully pushes himself inside. Your aching walls tightened around his cock. He groaned then leaned on your back. Your pitiful moans turned Cup on even more. He thrusted into you faster. You could barely hold yourself up anymore. Cup was fucking you so hard you couldn't comprehend your surroundings. You collapse, your top half touching the cold grass. Nothing seem to stop Cup. He was completely taken by his instincts. You were trying to push him off. He was bruising your insides with his thrusts. Cup only growled slapping your ass. You yelp. "That's right baby, I'm your man. Your my girl." He kissed your spine. "Aaaah~n-no one fucks better then you Cuppy!" you moan. Then you felt liquid trickling down your thigh. Cup propped you up next to him. He helped you with your shirt and pants, then he pulled up his boxers and pants. He looked towards waiting for you to get up. 

"Something wrong?" You blush "I uh, can't walk." You mumble. "Heh, sorry." Cuphead looked away blushing. "Here." He lifts you up bridal style and carries you back to the campsite. Felix stood up. "Where have you guys been? We were so worried!" Bendy popped in. "Yeah, we heard screeching near the campsite! We thought it might be some kinda wild animal or something." Cuphead smirked. "Oh, It wasn't an animal."

(In case your wondering the demon is an oc of mine.)

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