Turn of the Rogue

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-Xavier Institute/ Professors office-

"And how are things going for you at school?" The Professor asked as he and Marigold sat at his desk in his office. The young girl had her homework spread over the desk, because The Professor had insisted that he check over her school work. "As you can see pretty well, the work isn't too hard." Marigold said as she filled in the blanks on one of her sheets. "Although I am glad that you are excelling in your academics, that wasn't what I meant. Are you making friends? Do you enjoy it?" He asked, folding his hands and resting his chin on them, his elbows resting on the desk. Marigold put her pencil down on his desk and folded her own hands and smirked as she rested her chin on them, mirroring his own actions. "I have met a few people I enjoy. Sandy, she sits next to me in class and asks for help on her math work a lot. But I like helping her. And a few of her friends talk to me in the hall and during recess. There is one boy named Mike calls me names sometimes. But they don't affect me." The girl said, kicking her feet in the air as she talked. "Well I'm glad that you have been making friends, and if Mike starts to bother you or is mean to anyone you know what to do." He said, raising his eyebrow. "Tell a teacher or tell you or Ororo, but don't tell Logan." Marigold recited, remembering all the times Jean, or Ororo had told her the same thing when she had first admitted to them that she was being picked on. The Professor smirked at the 'don't tell Logan,' part of Marigold's sentence. If the man discovered she were being picked on while he was picking her up one day everyone feared his temper may get the better of him. "Very good, Marigold. I am proud of your hard work and courage as you have continued to adjust to this new lifestyle." The Professor said as he picked up the girls papers to check over them. Marigold blushed, her cheeks turning red as she pulled her glasses off her face to clean them. (a nervous tick she had picked up shortly after receiving her glasses) "It-It's because you all have helped me so much...I'm glad Julie sent me here." The girl said with a shy grin. The wind picked up outside and the sound of rustling tree branches and strong wind could be heard in the now silent room. "That's strange, it isn't suppose to storm today...Maybe it's from Ororo training with Kitty, Evan, and Kurt today." The Professor said with a raised eyebrow. "I'll get the window." Marigold volunteered as the wind started to blow through the open window, blowing some of her homework off the desk. She jumped out of the seat and ran behind the Professors desk, but gasped when she saw someone floating in the air right outside of the window. "Uh, Professor...there is someone here." she said backing up from the open window. She wasn't sure who it was, or if she should be scared of the man glaring at her. She heard The Professor gasp behind her and he rolled over to where she was standing. He pulled her into his lap protectively right before the man threw his hands out, and The Professors wheelchair moved on it's own, rolling across the room and into The Professors bookshelf roughly. Marigold felt The Professors arms wrap around her tightly as he tried to gain control of his wheelchair. "Magnito! What are yo doing here?!" The Professor asked looking at the man as he floated through the window and landed inside the room. "I've come to pay you a visit. Your young charges...they seem to be flourishing under your care." He said as Marigold curled up closer to The Professor, fearfully looking at the man who had invaded their home. "Yes. I'm very proud of them. They are doing quite well. When they are not being frightened and thrown around." The Professor said with anger as his arms stayed around Marigold. "Proud? But you don't trust them." Magnito said folding his arms. Marigold looked up to the Professor with confusion. "I do trust them. With my life." The Professor said, getting angrier by the second. "You may trust them with your life, but not with the truth!" Magnito said as he floated back out of the room through the broken window, and the wheelchair rolled back through the room. The windows slammed shut right as the wheelchair stopped centimeters away and the glass shattered. The man flew away and the wind calmed down shortly after, and the Professor let Marigold climb out from his lap, careful of the glass on the ground. "Your not hurt right?" He asked the young girl. "No - are you?" She asked. The professor smiled, pulling the girl over to stand beside him. "Who-who was that Professor?" Marigold asked. "That was a very old friend of mine...we have a-complex- history." He said as he looked out the window, a blank face as he seemed deep in thought. Marigold fiddled with her glasses nervously as she looked at the broken window. "His intentions were not to hurt us, only to scare...and who are we as X-men?" the Professor asked. "Brave." Marigold recited as she looked back out the window. The Professor could tell more questions were stirring in the young girls mind. But since her birth Marigold had been raised (or trained when you look at her up bringing) to not ask questions, and that was a cycle that the Professor wanted to break. But he didn't want to burden the girl was unnecessary worry either. He found himself at a cross roads. "Why don't you go find Logan or Ororo and tell them what happened. They can help us clean this mess...but don't tell anyone else. We don't want to worry them." The Professor said. Marigold agreed, before carefully stepping around the glass and leaving the office to do as told. The Professor examined the broken glass himself and frowned as he stared out the broken window, what was Magnito's play here?

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