On Angels Wings

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Marigold was sitting by the window in the Institute, a winter sweater keeping her warm as she watched the snow fall and listened to the sounds of gifts being unwrapped and her fellow students and teachers talking to each other. It was Christmas. The first time she was allowed to celebrate the holiday however she wished. There was a lot that she didn't know about Christmas, and while a few people had given her a lot of information about the holiday she couldn't help but still feel a bit awkward about all the festivities. She took a sip of the hot chocolate that she had in her hands and she was reminded of Julie.

Marigold was sitting in her room in the facility. The door opened and the young girl looked up from the floor, expecting one of the doctors or supervisors. Instead Julie walked in, holding something behind her back as she sat on the floor in front of Marigold. "Here darling, it's not much. But it's all that I could sneak in for you." She whispered, pulling a bar of chocolate out from behind her back, it had a bow wrapped around it with a small note. Marigold gave Julie a look of confusion as she pulled the bow off and read the note, "Merry Christmas, from Julie." Marigold looked back to Julie who had a big smile on her face. "Julie...you know I'm not allowed to have any food besides what the doctors give me. I don't want to get you in trouble." She said, holding the chocolate in her hands. "I made sure that the doctors won't be able to find out...you have worked very hard this year. And I wanted you to have a gift for Christmas." Julie said taking the candy from the girls hand and opening it, before breaking off a piece and handing it to Marigold. The girl took the piece and slowly put it in her mouth. Her reaction was immediate. "It's so sweet!" She said in shock. Julie laughed at the girls reaction. "So you like it then?" The woman asked. "It's the best thing I've ever eaten." Marigold said as she broke off another piece. "I wish I could save some of it, so that I can enjoy it more." The girl said. "We better not, you would be punished if they found anything in here that isn't authorized. But for tonight, you will eat like a queen." Marigold smiled at the idea and took another piece, soaking in all the sweetness that she could.

Thinking about it now, that was the only gift that Marigold had ever received for Christmas her whole life. The girl looked down into the cup of hot chocolate and suddenly she lost any craving she had for the sweet drink. "Marigold! Come here!" Jean called from across the room. The young girl stood up and joined the group of girls at the other end of the room. Jean had gotten all the girls in the Institute a gift. "Here is yours Marigold." Jean said handing the girl a small box wrapped in colorful paper and a bow. She looked up to see the other girls opening their gifts and Marigold followed their example, opening the small box to see a necklace with a golden star on it. "It's so pretty!" "Thanks Jean!" The girls said as they examined their gift. Marigold gently pulled it from the box and Jean watched as she examined the jewelry. "Do you like it Marigold?" She asked. Marigold nodded, looking it over before looking up to Jean. "I really do. Thank you." She said grinning. Jean smiled and turned the girl around, helping her put on the necklace. Marigold was glowing as Kurt walked up to the group of girls, holding up a mistletoe above Kitty's head with his tail. Everyone started laughing as Kitty turned to see Kurt. "In your dreams!' She said running off with Kurt chasing after her.

"Oh to be young again." The Professor said as he watched Kurt and Kitty with Logan. "Yea, glad that's over." Logan said stirring his mug of eggnog. "You know Logan, your welcome to spend the holidays here with us." The Professor said as Kitty and Kurt running around became background noise. "Uh thanks, but I got some important things to catch up on." Logan said. "Alright, if you insist. But know that you are always welcome." The Professor said as Marigold walked over. "How are you enjoying the party Marigold?" The Professor asked her. "It's a bit overwhelming. I've never celebrated Christmas like this before." She said, finding comfort in the two older men. "Yea well most parties aren't this crazy either." Logan said with a smirk. "It's going to be so quite once everyone leaves tomorrow." Marigold said looking around the room. "Yes, it will just be you, Scott, Rogue, Beast, and I." The Professor noted. "Logan isn't staying?" Marigold asked, turning to the man with a frown. "Sorry baby bird. I'll be doing some traveling this holiday season. But I'll be back before ya know it. And I may even have a present for ya." The man said with a wink. Marigold smiled before she was pulled away by a few of the students for more gift exchanging. "Get any word from Bucky?" Logan asked, keeping his voice low. "Yes, he is on a mission right now with SHIELD. But promises to come by once he is available." The Professor said. "Great, SHIELD missions can last months." Logan said with a frown. "Everything is fine right now. And while the holiday season is upon us I'll be working extra hard to make sure Marigold has a good time. The more we pull her mind away from the Facility and into the real world the better chances she has." The Professor said, watching the young girl as she opened a gift from Scott. A big smile was on her face and she looked so peaceful. The Professor was determined to keep it that way.

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