The Cauldron

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"How long will you all be gone?" Marigold asked Logan as he got a few things together in his room. "Who knows, it shouldn't be more than a few days." Logan said with a shrug of his shoulders. The students had recently returned from school and were ready to start their weekend, and Logan had promised to take Marigold for a ride on his motorcycle. But plans had to change when Ceribro picked up a new mutant presence.

"Alex Summers? I thought Scott was the only one who survived that plane crash." Logan said as he stood in the room where the new and improved Ceribro was held, (it had to be rebuilt after Juggernaut had come over for his visit awhile ago) with The Professor. "We all did. I'll contact Scott and tell him to meet us at the jet." The Professor said taking the helmet off and wheeling away from the computer. "We will need to leave as soon as possible, I fear we are not the only people interested in Alex Summers."

"So it's just you, The Professor, and Scott going on this mission?" Marigold asked as she pushed her glasses up her nose, watching Logan as he finished packing his bag. "Yep, don't worry baby bird. We will be fine." He said, running his fingers through the girls hair as they both left his room. "I know you will be. You guys are super tough." Marigold said with a smile. "That's right. Go on and find someone to hang out with till we got back okay? And be extra nice to Ororo. She's having to watch over everyone else while we're gone." Marigold agreed and said goodbye as Logan left her to go to the jet, knowing that he had a long weekend ahead of him. He couldn't even imagine how Scott would react to all this information.

-Marigold Pov-

"You wanna go on a road trip?" I asked Kurt as he, Evan, Kitty, Rogue, and I sat together in one of the recreation rooms. Everyone was talking about Scott's brother, and how they were a bit mad that they had been left behind while The Professor, Logan, and Scott went to go meet him. "Yea! That's the least we deserve for getting totally ditched." Rogue said folding her arms. "Hey, you can't blame Scott. Finding out his brother is still alive after ten years - I wouldn't want an audience either." Kitty said, trying to stay focused as she braided my hair, pulling me up her legs to where my back was pressed against her front. Kitty tended to use me as a test subject every time she wanted to learn how to do a new hairstyle or makeup look. "Yea but v'ho v'ould have guessed his brother ended up in Hawaii of all places. Hawaii isn't v'he only beach in v'he world right?! So let's take advantage of v'he weekend and go to a closer beach!" Kurt said again, excitement buzzing off of him. "I'm down. Us city kids never go to the beach." Evan said. "I've never been to a beach before." I admitted, blushing as Kitty finished tying up my braids. "Really?! Now we like have to go!" Kitty said turning me to face her in her lap. "Ya'll are crazy...but I'm so down!" Rogue said with a grin. Everyone was so excited, but I couldn't help but be a bit nervous. "You don't need to worry about anything! Beaches are fun. You will see." Rogue said, sensing the girls nervousness from her own seat. I smiled and nodded, letting my excitement about experiencing something new erase my fears. "Let's get ready to go!"

-awhile later-

"I couldn't find Jean so I left her a note." Rogue said as she ran over to the car where the rest of us were waiting, dressed in beach wear. "She'll be sorry she missed out on all the fun!" Kitty said as Marigold opened the door for Rogue to get in. "Hustle it up! We need to go before Auntie O finds us and puts a damper on our plans." Evan said looking around to make sure the group was in the clear. "We didn't get permission from Ororo?" Marigold asked as she sat in the middle back seat between Rogue and Kitty. "Oh v'on't worry about it girl! They v'ill never know we were gone!" Kurt said, checking to make sure they had all their beach stuff before driving off. Everyone cheered as Kurt drove down the road, the wind blowing through their hair, light hearts and worry free.

"Oh man! Do you feel that ocean breeze?" Evan asked as he relaxed in the car seat. Marigold sniffed the air. "It smells like...salt." She said with curiosity. "Yea girl! You know that there's salt in the ocean water right?" Kitty asked. "Oh yea." Marigold said, looking out the window and seeing the ocean as Kurt drove down the road. They were at the beach, and Kurt was looking for a good spot to park the car so everyone could relax. "I wish I didn't have to stay layered up, I'm burning!" Rogue said tugging on her shirt sleeve. "Oh v'ea, you should try being blue and furry. That's not v'oing to be fun to clean the sand out of later." Kurt said with a smirk. "Kurt! The road!" Evan shouted, pointing in front of them. Everyone turned to see cracks forming in the paved road ahead of them, with huge holes forming in the road. Everyone cried out as Kurt swerved the car around, barely missing the giant pot holes forming out of no where. "V'hat is going on?!" Kurt shouted as the road continued to shake, more cracks and holes in the road forming as he tried his best to avoid them. Suddenly something hit the car from behind and everyone (minus Kurt, who was focusing on the road) turned to see none other than the Brotherhood behind them, speeding and hitting the group with their own car. "What are they doing?!" Kitty shouted as the ground shook below them, making it harder for Kurt to keep the car on the road. "Lance and his goons are trying to wreck us!" Marigold shouted. "I'll slow them down!" Evan said, aiming some of his spikes at the car behind them. A few hit sit and they slowed down, while Kurt hit the gas to try and get away. "Kurt! Watch out!" Rogue shouted looking ahead of the road to see Blob standing in the middle of it. Kurt hit his brakes, but it wasn't enough and the car hit Blob head on. Blob was able to stand his ground, taking the hit like it was nothing. While everyone in the car were whipped around and the airbags went off in the car on impact. Marigold groaned as she sat up in her seat first, her head spinning. She saw Blob smirking at the group. "Come here often?" He asked as the Brotherhood pulled up behind them. "Let's party." Quicksilver said as he and the rest of the goons climbed out of the car.

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