The Stuff of Villains

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Sunspot stood on top of the Xavier Institute roof that had recently been rebuilt. There was still a lot of construction to do, but things were moving along with a steady pace. "All charged up Roberto?" Hank called out, from the ground. Sunspot turned to face the rising sun in the sky on the roof and felt the heat giving him energy. He gave Hank a thumbs up, indicating that he was ready to go. His skin turned pitch black and a red aurora glowed around him as he activated his mutant power. "Alright people! Let's clear out the rest of this debris like only mutants can!" Hank said, turning to the other students who had volunteered to help cleanup the leftover debris from the explosion that had happened weeks ago now. Sunspot started to shoot hot energy beams at anything that was trash, turning it into ash. And the other students were cleaning it up behind him. Ororo even helped by blowing some of the ashes through the air and into the woods using her mutation to manipulate the wind. Hank sighed, "If only the students would show the same diligence when it comes to cleaning their room." He noted. "Anybody who needs a ride to school, I'm taking off now!" Scott said as he ran out of the front doors of the Institute, a few of the other students ran after him. They all started piling up into Scott's car and Hank joined them to see them off, there were only a few of the Xavier students attending school at the moment. Everyone has agreed that taking things slow was the best move, even though mutants were technically allowed in school at Bayville. So only a few of the high school students were attending at the moment, while the others got to enjoy helping with re-building the Institute building. "Remember to call us if you need anything, but from your reports things aren't terrible at school right?" Hank asked. "It would be worse," Kurt said, shrugging his shoulders. "Yea, says the guy who can hide his mutation with a wrist watch." Evan said with bitterness as he got into Scott's car. Just as the students were about to take off another car pulled up in the driveway. A man got out of the car and walked up to Hank, not even blinking at the blue fur as he stuck his hand out for a handshake. "Hello, I'm here to meet with Professor Xavier." The man said holding a few folders in his hands. "I'm sorry, I don't think he has any appointments set up for this morning...what was your name?" Hank asked as Ororo flew through the air to stand beside Hank. Scott stood outside the car, wanting to know who their guest was. "Go on to school Scott, we don't want you to be late now do we?" Hank asked. Scott frowned, but wordlessly did as he was told. As the car drove away Ororo finally remembered the man. "Your Mr.Wade...Marigold's music teacher." Ororo said with a frown. "If you're here looking for her I'm afraid that we are not letting a lot of our students back into the public schools yet due to fear of safety. I'm sure you can understand that sir." Hank said, only feeling slightly guilty for lying to the man. Mr.Wade's friendly smile went away in the blink of an eye. He reached into his bag as he said, "You and I both know that isn't true. You have no idea where the girl is." He pulled out a leather notebook and showed the cover of it to the adults, Ororo gasped when she saw the Hydra symbol. "Now I suggest that you tell The Professor that he has a visitor. One that can help him find number twenty five." Mr.Wade said with a smirk.

- Gambit's Pov-

I stood outside the back entrance of Bayville High school with Number twenty five standing beside me. The girl had on a hoodie that covered her hair and a hat to hide parts of her face in case anyone who knew her walked by. The doors banged open and Lance walked out of them, looking angry. "There's the target." twenty five said as Lance walked down the steps, the teen looked up. It was easy to tell that he recognized us right away by the angry look on his face "Bonjour" I said, my hands shuffling my deck of cards. "Perfect, I was so lookin' for a fight." Lance said with a smirk. "What? That thrashing I gave you last time wasn't enough?" I asked as Lance walked closer to us. "Let's see how well you do without Magneto watching your back!" Lance said. Twenty five waved her hand up and a shield appeared around Lance, trapping him. "Hey! Let me out of here , rugrat!" Lance shouted, the sound muffled from inside the shield. "You round up those jokes you call friends and meet me at your place." I said. "Why should I do anything you say?" Lance asked. "Cause you're out of school now, so you are ready for the real test." I said holding one of my playing cards between two of my fingers, using my mutation to light it on fire. "Forget it, we're sick of being used." Lance said. I made a hand gesture to twenty five, knowing that this conversation was over for the moment. Lance stepped towards us before blowing out the flame in my fingers. He walked off and Twenty five frowned. "What do we do now?" She asked. I was about to answer when two kids ran out of the building looking scared, Rogue following them out. The two boys ran past us, but Rogue stopped when her eyes landed on us. "What are you doing here?" Rogue asked, looking at the child. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her back behind me. "We're just passing by cherie." I said. "Wait, Marigold!" Rogue said, before the girl touched my arm. We both turned invisible and we walked off before Rogue could find us. Once we were a few blocks away from the school we turned visible again. "We should report back to Magneto. We need to hurry. Rogue will be looking for us." Twenty five said, pulling out her communication device. I frowned. I knew that Magneto didn't completely trust me, but it was annoying that he had forced twenty five to tag along with me to make sure I didn't betray him or do something he wouldn't approve of. It was like having a baby-sitter that was younger than you. As twenty five gave the boss a mission update I thought back to the girl Rogue, her face looked so sad as she called out to the girl. "Magneto wants us to follow Lance and do whatever it takes to get them to us. Are you ready to move out?" Twenty five asked, snapping me out of my spiraling thoughts. "Whenever you are madam." I said.

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