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"My fellow Americans...all my fellow American's, human and mutant. I stand before you now to clear the X-men of all wrongdoing in the giant Sentinel robot disaster. The real criminal suspect behind the Sentinel weapon has been arrested and charged. This has caught us all by surprise, but that isn't any reason for us to judge people solely by their differences. To put it as simply as I can, we need to learn more. We need to be open-minded, and we need to give this mutant question more time."

Kurt turned off the hand held radio that was broadcasting the Presidents speech. All the Xavier students were reunited after some of the X-men fought against Juggernaut and were able to find out that The Professor had been captured by him and put into the same container that he was trapped in. Now they had the Professor back, they had found the other students that had gone into hiding, and after saving the city from the Juggernaut attack the X-men were no longer being hunted by police. The school group stood together in the ruins of their old building. The Professor seated in his wheelchair in the middle of the group. They had a lot of rebuilding to do, both for the building, and for the team. "At least we are all together." Rogue said as the Presidents speech ended. "Not all of us are." Scott said folding his arms. "But we will be, we will get Marigold back to herself and back with us. No matter what it takes." The Professor said facing the group.

- Magneto's Pov-

"And there you have it folks. The Presidents position that the mutant population should be free from persecution."

Magneto's group was watching the news report, some were shocked at the Presidents words, while Magneto stood in the middle of the group, Number Twenty Five tucked under his arm.

"But will it work? That remains to be seen. This is News Channel Five reporting."

"What do we do now?" Pietro asked his father. Magneto said nothing, only narrowing his eyes, deep in thought.

- Days Later-

"First Rahne, now Jubilee." Logan said as he and the Professor stood on the construction sight. People were rebuilding their school, it had almost been a week since Mutants had been exposed to the world, and already two students had been pulled from Xavier. The two were watching as Jubilee's parents packed the girls bags. The teen looked absolutely heart broken. "I can't believe that parents are pulling their kids out of this school. Do they really think it will be any better for them at home?" Logan asked. "I hate to admit it Logan, but I would probably do the same thing." The Professor said as he and Logan gave a final goodbye wave to Jubilee. The girl had tears in her eyes as she ran over and hugged both grown ups. "Jubilee! Come on." Her mother called. The Professor gave the girl one last reassuring smile as she climbed into the car and drove away. "After all, I promised them that their children would be safe here. Obviously that hasn't been the case." The Professor said with sadness. "This is my fault...I should have caught Mystique's scent when she was here posing as you! I should have sensed that Marigold wasn't acting like herself." Logan growled. "And I should have sensed Mystique in Wanda's hospital room before she abducted me, and I should have sensed that the winter soldier program was turned on in Marigold's mind.  I sensed the girls mind was not all there once or twice...but I underestimated the assassins ability to lie and manipulate." The Professor admitted. Logan growled, his anger getting the best of him. "I'm going for a ride. Let me know if Cerebro's backup generator  picks up anything on baby bird." Logan said before walking off. The Professor let him, knowing that the man needed to deal with his own emotions on his own. The Professor was left alone, and for a single moment he let all the guilt, fear, and anxiety weigh him down. Marigold. He would get her back, not matter what he had to do. There were few things he wouldn't forgive when it came to his old friend Magneto, but taking Marigold. That was one of them. He sighed, before going to check on Cerebro's backup generator. The original Cerebro had exploded with the rest of the Institute, but they had a back up generator that was searching for Marigold 24/7

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