Under Lock and Key

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Gambit runs through the woods, stopping outside a large house. He breaks into the house and steals an ancient relic that's deep within the walls. But this is no normal home, it was the home of the mutant Angel. The mutant was able to catch Gambit stealing from him and chases him outside his house where Gambit meets up with Mesmero and hands him the relic. Angel catches up to them flying through the air and Mesmero uses his powers to knock Angel out. Angle cries out in pain as his wings stop working from Mesmero's powers, forcing him to fall to the ground. Mesmero tries to leave with the relic, but a shield forms around him and Gambit. Magneto and Twenty Five make themselves visible to them once they are captured by Twenty Five's shields. Magneto walked up to the shield that was holding Mesmero, telling him. "Whoever you are, you've got courage. Not everyone would hypnotize one of mine to do their stealing." He said looking over his shoulder as Twenty Five stood beside the shield that Gambit was trapped in. Mesmero frowned, using his mutant power to try and hypnotize Magneto and Twenty Five. "Don't bother. Your psychic blasts do not affect me or the girl." Magneto turned to twenty five and the girl nodded, tightening the shield around Mesmero to where he couldn't breath. "Release your hold on Gambit. Now!' Magneto demanded. "Alright!" Mesmero said, choking on the small amount of air he had in his lungs. Mesmero grunted and Gambit suddenly fell to his knees from inside Twenty Five's shield, showing that he was no longer under Mesmero's control. "Uhh, where am I?" He asked, looking around. Twenty Five removed the shield and helped the man stand on his own two feet. "As for this relic," Magneto said as the girl walked over and pushed her hand through the shield, grabbing the relic out of Mesmero's hand before he could stop her. "Let's see if it was really worth going to all that trouble to get it." Magneto said as the girl handed it to him. Twenty five lifted the shield into the air, along with Mesmero, the group started to leave when Angel woke from his attack. He groaned as he sat up, looking around in confusion till he saw the group. "Hey!" He shouted standing up. Magneto turned to Twenty Five and the girl nodded, turning around and facing Angel. "Hey, Marigold, from the X-men...what's going on? What are you doing with Magneto!?" Angel asked, the girl frowned and formed two shields around the man's arms and legs, trapping him to the ground. Angel grunted as he tried to get away from her. "I'm not Marigold, as for what we are up to...that's none of your business." She said before forming a shield around her hand and punching Angel across the temple, knocking him out cold again before following Gambit, Magneto, and Mesmero down the street.

-Xavier Institute-

At the Xavier Institute , the mutant students play a game of Mutant ball (softball with powers). Angel shows up and breaks up the game. He flew over all of them and landed in the middle of the softball field. Scott and Hank ran up to meet the man. "Angel? What's going on?" Scott asked. "I must see Professor Xavier immediately. It's of the most importance...it's about Magneto." He said as Hank walked up to them. "I'll let him know you are here. He is with Cerebro trying to strengthen the mental hold he has on one of our students who is under Magneto's control." Hank explained. "It's Marigold right? The young one I met at Christmas?" Angel asked. "How did you know?" Scott asked. "Because she paid me a visit to my house last night along with Magneto and a few of his pals...they took something very important from me."

-Magneto's Base-

At Magneto's base, Mastermind is searching through Mesmero's mind to find answers. Magneto standing behind the two as Mastermind works. He tells Magneto that the relic is one-half of the and that when they two pieces are combined they form to release the most powerful mutant of all time. En Sabah Nur, or better known as "Apocalypse"

-Xavier Institute-

"Are you sure this is the man you saw?" The Professor asked Angel as an image of Mesmero was displayed on the large computer in front of them. "It's not a face you forget Professor." Angel said looking at the image. "You were right to come here Warren. We've had dealings with Mesero before." The Professor explained. "Why would he use someone else to break in?" Angel asked. "Because, that's what he does." The Professor said as Hank typed away on the keyboard. Scott and Jean standing behind them. "He manipulates others, like he did with Jean and a handful of my students to steal these rings." A picture of three different colored rings appeared on the screen. "We've been able to determine that the rings form together to make some kind of key...and the relic that they stole from you is one half of the Spider Stone. The other half is in the London museum. When put together they complete the Spider Stone." Hank explained. "What is Mesmero trying to do with all this stuff?" Jean asked. "I don't know, but with Magneto now involved I feel it is imperative that we secure the other half of the stone before he does." The Professor said. "And the girl? Marigold, is she under the control of Mesmero too?" Angel asked, sounding confused. "No, that's a bit more complicated to explain." Scott said, sounding sad. "But if she is there with Magneto when we go to retrieve the second half of the stone, this could be a good chance for me to make another mental connection and try to get Marigold back." The Professor said with hope in his voice. "Yea, if that Mastermind guy isn't there." Jean said, remembering how the man had been able to get The Professor out of her mind the first time. "We will just have to wait and be ready for any situation, but let's suit up...we're going to London." The Professor said.

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