Chapter 25

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Megan's POV:

As I materialise, I look down at my outfit and realise I'm wearing my stain glass window outfit. Mal then looks to me and I look to her, I smile at her outfit.

"Now that is your colour." We say in unison, making everyone laugh. We then turn back, and my attention is on Alex. I smile to him and do a curtsey, he then bows. And I notice that everyone chuckles because Mal and I manage to be doing everything in unison. Evie then gets to the bottom of the stairs, and a helper grabs my arm-one doing the same to Mal on the other side. They walk us down the stairs to meet Evie. Everyone claps as we walk down.

"So, we did not know we could do that." Mal and I say in unison to Evie.

"Tell me about it. That makes three of us." Evie replies. Evie then holds out her hands, standing in the middle of us. "So, shall we?"

"We shall." Mal and I say as we take her hands. We then walk towards Ben and Alex.

"Hi." Mal and I say to our dates. Alex smiles at me.

"Blue really is your colour." He says.

"Definitely." I reply. He smiles and then brings me towards me, when we share a kiss. I hear 'awws' and then Jay clears his throat.

"All right, all right, all right." Carlos says, pulling Alex and I apart, and Ben and Mal apart.

"Not the time to be kissing, got it." I say to him. Carlos smiles at me.

"I will give you a time where you can discuss hair, discuss clothes, and then kiss. But that's not right now." Carlos says. I laugh.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben says to us Vks.

"Yeah." Evie says.

"Yeah, you got that right." Carlos says.

"Just a little bit." Jay adds. Everyone laughs.

"If there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you..." Ben says, but Evie cuts him off.

"Umm, actually. There is, Ben. I know a girl who's really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter Dizzy, she's like a little sister to me." Evie says.

"Then she should come." Ben says.

"Okay." Evie replies, happily. "Okay, great. Actually, um...!" She suddenly says, everyone chuckles at her enthusiasm. "Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon, kids just like us who deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely." Ben says. Every cheers, and then one of the staff comes up to us.

"Lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it." The man says, handing the spell book to Mal.

"Oh, umm. You know, this seems like the type of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother?" Mal says. Fairy Godmother then pushes through the crowd.

"Mmm-hmm, that's me." She says.

"This belongs in the museum." Mal says, handing it over.

"It does, yes." Fairy Godmother says. "And I'm gonna take it."

"Go for it." Mal says. I look to Alex and he smiles to me. I nod.

"Fairy Godmother?" I say, she turns to me, along with everyone else. I look to my necklace, and with shaky hands I take it off. As soon as I do, it looses its glow. "This also belongs in the museum."

"Yes, yes. I'm going to take that too." She says, taking it from my hand. I turn to Alex, and Mal turns to Ben.

"We're not going to need them anymore." We say in unison. Mal then kicks water at Ben, and we all move back when Ben returns the favour.

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