Chapter 24

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Megan's POV:

Uma then snaps, realising she's lost her plan.

"Give it to me!" She shouts, going towards Fairy Godmother. Trying to get her wand. Evie hold her hands back.

"No! Guards, seize her!" Fairy Godmother yells. Uma then rushes to the edge of the ship.

"No! Stop!" I shout, holding my arms out. She should be grateful I'm still relying on that small shred of me that still gives a damn.

"Uma, we know you." Mal and I say. "You are so much more than just a villain."

"And you have to believe us because we've been there." Mal adds.

"Do not let your pride get in the way of something you really want." I add. She looks to me and I see the softening of her eyes. Then her mother's necklace around her neck starts glowing.

"Oh, shit." I comment, Alex looks to me in confusion. I just shake my head. Uma looks down to her necklace, and then jumps off the boat and into the water. Everyone goes to the edge of the boat to check on her. Then there is a magic glow and a water spiral grows and grows. The water the explodes, and it splashes over everyone on the boat. We all get pushes back by the water, and then as we go to the edge we look down to see Uma has grown in size and has her mother's tentacles.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Uma says. She then yells and throws one of her tentacles at the boat, we all duck and some people scream. She then sends one at Mal, and I notice that rather than playing attention, Mal is checking on Ben. I rush towards her, and push her out the way, but the tentacle hits me and throws me off the side of the boat.

"MEG!" Many scream as I go flying off the boat. I feel myself hit the water. I then feel my magic link with my survival instinct. I feel my eyes go purple and I see purple smoke surrounding me. I then feel myself changing, and I've changed into a dragon (A/N See above) . Well that's unexpected. I fly out of the water just in time to see Mal become surrounded by a green smoke. She then emerges from that as a dragon too, she flies over to me and everyone, looks shocked at two dragons flying in the sky. We both send a fire ball at Uma, she dodges them. She flicks a tentacle at his but we move out the way.

"Come on, Mal! Meg! Let's finish this once and for all." Uma shouts. Mal then dive forwards and breathes some fire over her, but Uma dodges. She then swipes a tentacle at Mal, but she dodges it. The tentacle manages to then hit someone off the boat.

"CARLOS!" Many scream from the boat, I ignore the fight and just look towards the water, there I see a head popping out I dive towards the water and pick Carlos up in my dragon hands. He looks frightened, but then looks into my purple eyes.

"Hey, Meg." He says. I let out a dragon laugh. A tentacle then comes towards me, and I manage to dodge, making sure not to let go of Carlos. There is then a roar, and I watch as Ben takes off his jacket and crown, handing it to Jay and Doug, and then he dives over the railing of the boat.

"BEN!" Many people yell. I see Ben's head pop out of the water in between Mal and Uma.

"Mal! Uma! Stop! Back down!" Ben yells.

"What you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?" Uma mocks.

"That's enough! It's got to stop. This isn't the answer." Ben yells at them. "The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle. Help me make a difference." Holding his hand out to her. There is a moment where nothing is said, and then Uma raises tentacle towards Ben. Mal growls. Rather than taking Ben's hand, she just drops his beast ring into his hand. She then smiles towards me, I nod my dragon head in return. Harry then jumps in, and Uma puts a tentacle around him. Harry looks to me, and I nod at him. They know they are forgiven. Uma then goes underwater and swims away, pulling Harry with her (allowing him to breathe obviously). Ben looks to the ring in his hand and sighs. He then makes his way back to the boat, but before he can get there I lower myself down and get Carlos to grab Ben.

"Ben, hold on." Carlos says, Ben does and I fly then up onto the deck of the ship, lowering them gently. Adam greets Ben and gives him a fatherly hug. He then gets given back his crown. Everyone then cheers for him. Him and Alex then stand in the middle of the boat, awaiting their dates. Mal and I, still as dragons get to the top of some stairs, where there is enough space for the both of us. We look to each other and nod, they then lower ourselves down. As we touch the deck, Mal is surrounded with green smoke, while I'm surrounded by purple. We feel ourselves turn back human.

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