Chapter 23

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Megan's POV:

I'm standing backstage of the boat, and from the outside I can hear the music. I can still feel Harry's grip on me, but I can't fight it off. I see Uma in the shadows and she goes an 'I'm watching you' gesture. I then see Harry hiding beside her, he makes eye contact with me and I feel the magic getting stronger and stronger. I then hear the music stop and the trumpets play. Lumière then steps into the spotlight.

"The Future Lady Megan." Lumière announces, he steps aside and then I enter. As everyone sees me, they gasp. I smile nervously. I walk forwards and Lumière leans towards me. "You work it, girl." He says in his French accent. I chuckle, and then look back to the crowd. Evie starts clapping and everyone else follows suit. As I walk down the stairs, at the bottom is Ben's parents and Alex's parents. As I go down, Phillip helps me down the last few steps and then walks me over to Aurora, Belle and Adam.

"You look beautiful, Meg." Aurora says to me. I smile to her.

"Thank you, as do you." I reply. Well Harry replies.

"Alex, is on his way." Phillip says to me.

"Great." I say, but I can feel Harry's unhappiness behind it. Unfortunately, Aurora and Phillip don't pick up on it. Then I stand with them and the trumpets start again. Lumière stands in the spotlight.

"The Future Lady Mal." He introduces, and Mal comes out in a yellow and blue dress. She looks as nervous as I did, before this spell put confidence in me. She walks to the top, and Adam helps her down the final steps. Bringing her over towards myself, and the parents.

"Ben, is on his way." Adam says to her. "And you look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"I know we were shocked at first, but you... you are exactly what Ben needs." Belle says to her.

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." Adam adds with a laugh. Evie then walks over, and then she bows to Adam and Belle.

"Of course." Adam says. I look to Aurora and Phillip and nod. I take one of Evie's hands, while Mal takes the other. We walk over to our friends.

"How are you two?" She asks us.

"Ummm, I sort of feel like I'm going to throw up." Mal replies, making us chuckle. She turns to me, I just nod.

"Okay, that's okay. Look. We're here for you, okay?" Evie says.

"Okay." Mal replies. I just look to the floor. Carlos then grabs my hand.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, I look into his eyes and for a moment, I feel a break.

"N-Yes." I stutter, Harry gaining control. He looks to me in confusion. "I'm fine." I say firmly.

"Okay." He says. "We're here for you." I nod. The trumpets then blow. Lumière stands in the spotlight once again.

"Royal Advisor Alex." Lumière announces, and he walks out. My breath stops in my throat. He looks so handsome. But I feel Harry take control, I try and fight but I can't. He looks to me and smiles, which I slightly return. He then goes down the stairs and talks to his parents. The trumpets blow again. Lumière stands in the spotlight once again. "King Benjamin." He announces. Then Ben steps out, I hear Mal's breath stop in her throat, everyone bows. He walks to the bottom of the stairs.

"Go get them." Evie says to myself and Mal. I step forwards, as does Mal. Ben looks to Mal in sorrow and I look to Alex in sorrow.

"Alex, I wish I had time to explain." I say to him, at the same time Ben says to Mal:

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