Chapter 15

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Alex's POV:

I watch as she flips down from the roof effortlessly. As she lands on the ground I see she looks back up at me.

"I love you too." I see her mouth, she then turns away and walks down the streets, her pink and purple hair moving in the wind. I sigh and climb down from the roof, the way I made it up there. As I come back to the place where the 'hangout' was, I see Evie, Carlos and Jay standing there.

"Ben?" Evie calls into the shadows of the streets. "Ben!" She then yells after seeing someone walk towards them. "Ben, don't scare us like that."

"Don't scare ye'?" The person says, that's not Ben (like the others thought). I come down and stand behind them. "That's my speciality."

"Harry." Evie breathes out in annoyance. I then notice that it's the same guy that was on the roof with Megan.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay asks.

"Oh, uh, we nicked him. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, um, and if yer want ter see him again, have Mal come ter the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone. Uma wants a little visit." He replies, he then looks towards me. "Although, I'm sure she won't mind ye' coming along. She does want ter feed the man who hurt her sister ter the sharks."

"Her sister?" Carlos asks.

"Family's not by blood, Carlos." Harry says.

"Meg." Evie mumbles, making Harry nod.

"Aw, Jay. Seems like ye've lost yer touch." Harry says to Jay. Jay then goes to punch him, but Evie holds him back. Harry then looks to Carlos and 'woofs' attempting to scare him- but it doesn't. Harry then looks towards me, with a piercing look. There is then someone who jumps down behind him, we can't tell who it is until they speak.

"Leave them alone, Harry." Meg's voice sounds, he turns to face her. He brings his hook up to her face and strokes her cheek. I go to walk forwards, but Carlos stops me.

"Aww, Meg. Ye've gone soft." He says to her, looking into her eyes.

"And you've abducted a King. Seems we've both changed." She replies.

"Did my insight help?" He asks her.

"Yes, but I didn't use it." She replies. The others look to each other in confusion.

"Well, I try ter be helpful and ye' waste it." He replies. He then looks back at the us and bows. "I'll see ye' guys later. See ye', love. Come ter the Chippe tonight."

"Will do. Bye, Harry" Meg replies, as he walks away she turns to him. "Harry!" She calls, he turns back. "Tell Uma I said thank you."

"What for, love?" He asks.

"For not doing what I know you both wanted to do." She replies. He nods, and bows. She bows in return, making him laugh. He then walks out of sight, and she turns back to us. "Come on, let's go tell Mal." She then turns to the stairs, and starts climbing the railings- we all do the same. 

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