Chapter 7

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Megan's POV:

"Wow, Alex, it's beautiful." I say to him. I smile as I look down at the date he has prepared, it's a beautiful picnic in a clearing in the woods.

"Well, thank you." He replies, cocky. I laugh, and together we sit down. "Here you go." He says, taking out a bowl of strawberries. I smile. After a while of chatting I turn to him.

"I'm glad we got to do this." I tell him.

"Yeah, me too. We haven't had much time to be together recently, and that's my fault." He replies.

"It's not your fault, Alex, it's your job. And you are enjoying yourself, and that makes me happy. If you're happy, I'm happy." I tell him, he smiles.

"It really means a lot that you're standing by me." He replies, I smile. "We don't get much time to be just us anymore."

"I know." I say. He then takes off his jacket.

"Aren't you warm?" He asks. I nod, and then take off my jacket. He looks at what I'm wearing.

"What?" I ask him.

"It's not that you don't look beautiful, because you do. But you really shouldn't be wearing things like that anymore, Meg." He says, I start to get annoyed.

"Why? It's not that bad." I say to him.

"I know, but what you are wearing is okay on the Isle of the Lost, but not here. You are about to be a Lady of the Court, you can't be wearing a top like that! You're showing way too much skin, imagine what the reporters would say about this!" He exclaims.

"I don't care what the reporters say, they have been stuffed in my face for too long. All they care about it what it going to be like to be a Lady of the Court, what it's like to be in a relationship with you, about my mum, whether I think you like me! I've had enough, I don't give a crap what they think of me!" I reply back.

"Well, you should! Yes, they are being stuffed in your face, and that means you should be careful with what you wear and not show off your chest to the whole of Auradon!" Alex replies.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I mean that if a picture gets out and you're wearing something like that, it would be shameful for both of us!" He replies. "And while we are talking about things you shouldn't do. I thought you had given your necklace to Fairy Godmother!" He says with a rage, looking down at the necklace that you can see under my shirt.

"I can't give it to her, I need it!" I exclaim. He then looks to me, and I realise that I've said something I shouldn't have.

"You need it? Have you been using it?!" He asks angrily, disappointment in his voice.

"Yes, I have. I was a mess without it, I couldn't do anything right, it was reflecting bad on you and-" I try and defend myself.

"So, you decided to do magic and lie to me?!" He asks angrily.

"Alex, I truly meant well. You have to see where I was coming from, it's been so hard for me! I have changed so much, Mal and I we've changed our hair, our clothes, tried to learn the manners of a Lady, that we never got on the Isle and-" I reply.

"Mal's been using magic too?" He asks, I gasp and cover my mouth. His voice then gets scarily angry. "Do you think learning how to be King and Royal Advisor had been easy on us?!"

"No, of course not-" I exclaim back.

"I thought we were doing this together, Meg!" He exclaims.

"Alex, we are in this together." I exclaim.

"But we're not, Meg. We're not! You've been keeping secrets from me! Lying to me! This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Meg!" He shouts.

"Yeah, believe me, I know that." I reply, voice quieter. Tears coming to my eyes.

"Then why are you doing this?" He asks, his voice slightly softer.

"Because, I'm not one of those pretty pink princesses, Alex! I'm not one of those Ladies form the Court. I'm a big fake, okay? 24/7 I have to hide who I truly am. My clothes are fake, my hair is fake, my attitude is often fake! My mother is Maleficent, I'm a villain kid, Alex! I'm not a princess! No matter how hard I try to do good, and change, it doesn't work!" I exclaim, my voice holding strength but tears streaming down my face. "And I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you! Because this is who I am, and nothing on Earth will change that!" I then pick up my jacket, and start to walk away.

"No, Meg wait. Please, I'm sorry. I should have tried to understand better, I'm sorr-" Alex starts, but I cut him off.

"Alex, just don't!" I say angrily. I then run from him, getting to the school as fast as I can.

I don't belong here, and I think I need to leave...

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