"Goodbye, Love."

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"A-Arthur I don't know if I'm l-liking this." Alfred said, straining to hear even the slightest noise. He removed his blindfold, although it didn't make much of a difference, and began to slowly walk around the room with his arms outstretched. 

"Arthur?" A childish voice said. "I'm not that silly little grumpy face." The voice seemed to be coming from every direction. "I'm much better than him." A noise similar to fingernails scratching a chalkboard echoed throughout the cellar.

The American's heart stopped and he stood, frozen in fear. "Y-you're that Oliver guy, aren't you?" He said, backing away from the noise. No. He can't be. Oliver isn't real. I must be dreaming....

"Congratulations! You're correct. You deserve an award. How about a delicious cupcake?" The noise ceased and Alfred fell to his knees, a sharp pain filling his calves. He felt the small wound and realized that it was caused by some sort of blade.

"Just leave m-me alone!" Alfred said as he coward against the cold, stone wall.

A maniacal laughter filled the room. Alfred covered his ears but couldn't seem to escape the wretched noise. He was suddenly reminded of his dream about 'Arthur' pulling him into the darkness.

"Why would I do that?" Oliver asked.

A new sound filled the room. This one a bit less distinct. It sounded like... water? No. Some sort of liquid being was being dumped from a bottle all around the room.

Alfred swallowed and sat still. He held his breath as his heart beat quickened with every second. 

"Don't worry about Arthur, though." Oliver said just as a hollow container hit the stone floor. "You'll be able to see him very soon."

A short and quick scratching noise sounded. A single flame appeared in the middle of the room. Alfred stared in horror at the face behind it. There was a smirk present on Oliver's face. His light blue eyes, with a single pink swirl in the center, were filled with insanity.

"Goodbye, Love." The match fell to the floor. As soon as it hit, flames immediately erupted all throughout the cellar.

The heat of the fire instantly hit Alfred. His screaming was mixed in with the maniacal laughter of the Brit. The pain. It was excruciating. He had never felt anything like it before and he never wanted to again. It seemed like hours passed before everything around him finally disappeared. Although, he couldn't stop thinking about the first time Arthur allowed Alfred into his life. He remembered it perfectly. The memory flashed before him.

"You still have a chance to go back. Once we enter this room, you could be dragged into the darkness along with me." Arthur explained, hoping Alfred would change his mind. Alfred smiled and put his hands on Arthur's shoulders,

"If it means that I get to be your hero, then that's all that matters to me."

That was the one sentence that gave Alfred the courage to keep going. To endure all the pain and loss. He just wanted to be the hero. Arthur's hero. And he had failed. 

Arthur screamed louder than he ever had before. He could still feel the burning sensation of the fire even after everything he ever loved disintegrated right before him. His whole life was flashing before his eyes. The burning sensation worsened when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. Somehow, he managed to scream even more. He couldn't see anything. All he saw was the same expression Alfred had given him each time the Brit murdered him. He was being forced to relive each moment. Am I in Hell?

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