"We all fall down."

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Alfred sat in the chair closest to the door, dreading what was to come. To his surprise, only silence followed the next few minutes. He sat there, waiting. His fear became replaced with confusion. As soon as he was about to rise from his chair, someone walked through the "Employees Only" door.

Arthur. His heart leaped and so did he. Alfred tackled his friend, almost knocking him over. "I've missed you so much you stupid Brit! I'm so sorry you had to be alone. I promise I will make it up to you. I'll even eat your food!" Alfred cried out.

He couldn't believe it. Arthur was okay. He was okay. A wave of relief washed over the American and he finally relaxed. Although, it was short lived.

Arthur only stood there. He didn't say a word. He didn't return the hug. Even his facial expression was completely blank. Almost.... dead.

Alfred was once again overcome with an all too familiar feeling. "Arthur?" Tears began forming in his eyes. "Arthur, please. Don't do this to me!" Arthur only stared. "Please! Don't leave me! I don't want to be alone! Please, Arthur! Just say something!" Alfred was yelling at this point, shaking Arthur by the shoulders. Nothing.

"You won't be getting anywhere with him." Alfred turned towards the voice, locking eyes with Oliver. He stood in the doorway, smiling. "I think I like him better this way. A lot less.... Sassy." Oliver chuckled.

"You." Rage filled Alfred voice and he stood to his feet. He clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. "You did this. This is all your fault!" Alfred yelled and charged towards Oliver. He reached towards the man's throat and almost fell forward when his hands went straight through Oliver's body. Alfred looked back and saw Oliver's figure evaporate into the air. His laugh echoed throughout the room.

"You want to play a little game, huh?" Oliver began to hum an off-key melody that sent a shiver down Alfred's spine.

The room began to spin and Alfred lost his balance, falling to his knees. "Ring around the Rosie," Oliver sang. The room spun faster with every word. The chairs had slid up against the wall and Alfred caught sight of Arthur. He laid lifeless on he other side of the room. "Pocket full of posies," Alfred steadily crawled towards Arthur, his heart racing. He wasn't going to loose him anymore. Not this time. He had gone through too much pain to watch slip from his fingertips once again. "Ashes, ashes," Heat rose quickly and the wallpaper burst into flames. Alfred was inches away from Arthur. The light was blinding and the roars of the flames filled the air. Alfred stretched his arm as far as he could and came into contact with Arthur's shirt, gripping it as tightly as he could. "We all fall down." The floor crumbled beneath them. Alfred pulled Arthur towards him as they fell. He closed his eyes and hugged the man close, ready for a certain death upon impact.

"A-Alfred...." A weak voice spoke quietly into his ear. Alfred's eyes shot open and he looked at Arthur, who was just beginning to move. His eyes were dull. The green that once shone with emotion were now empty. He looked tired. So tired. "I...."

"Arthur, I'm so sorry! I should have done better. I should have been able to save you. I was supposed to be your hero. I failed. I'm sorry." Alfred felt a gentle touch wipe away a tear on his cheek.

"Why can't you just be quiet for one bloody second so I can speak?" The edge of Arthur's lip curved upward and he breathed out a chuckled. "I can't even get one word out before you start blowing my ears off."

Alfred stared into those familiar eyes. The eyes that he fell for long before he knew. "Arthur...."

"Please, Alfred. Don't apologize. You've done enough. You've saved me." Arthur smiled and it looked like it took every ounce of energy out of his body. He pulled Alfred face forward and pressed their lips together. Warmth flooded Alfred's body. Every emotion that they had ever felt for each other flooded into that one kiss. Just as Alfred began to comprehend what was going on, Arthur pushed him away and they parted.

"Arthur!" Alfred screamed. He watched Arthur fade into the abyss. He was gone.

Alfred continued to fall and as he did he noticed strange pieces of paper flying past him, slowing to his speed. They were pictures. Of him and Arthur. Memories. From the time they first met, their first kiss, and the time when they would sit on the couch and watch movies. It all seemed like a dream now. Everything had gone by so quickly. The memories caught fire right before his eyes. One by one, they burned into ashes and dissipated into the air. Alfred tried to grab them and put out the fire but they would crumble in his hands. By the time the last one had faded, Alfred felt a weight in his chest. He closed his eyes and let himself fall deeper into the darkness. Nothing mattered anymore.

He felt like he had been falling for hours, starring at nothing. His mind floated far away from him. The only thing that itched at his brain was the fact that he couldn't seem to remember anything. Not even his name. He only knew of one single word. It held the past within it's letters and yet he didn't know why he thought of it. It seemed to call for him from far away. This single word was the only thing that kept his heart beating in his dark world. Hero.

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