"Let's have a little fun shall we?"

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"Surprise!" Oliver threw his hands up in the air and let them fall around Arthur's shoulders. "I missed you so much. You need to come visit me more. Unless you want me to come visit you." He said with a smirk.

Arthur pushed the other man away and looked at him with shock. "How is that even possible? You're just a figment of my imagination. A side effect from the curse. You can't be real."

"Oh silly little Arthur. This is much more than just a simple curse." Oliver put his hands behind his back and began to slowly walk in circles around Arthur, who analyzed his every move.

"What is it then?"

Oliver stopped in his tracks and looked at Arthur through the corner of his eye. The smile had completely vanished from his face, leaving no trace of it being there in the first place. "Your demise."

A high pitched noise suddenly began blaring in Arthur head. He clutched his hair and fell to his knees. Everything around him was slowly turning white. He glanced up just in time to see a grin on Oliver's face.

The noise was killing his head while the bright light blinded him. He closed his eyes and waited for it to stop. For everything to be over. He waited for death to claim him. Suddenly, everything stopped. Silence.

A joyful voice spoke inside his head, "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"

The bright light slowly dimmed down, revealing what looked like a person hovering over him.

"Arthur! Oh, God. Arthur please wake up! Please don't be dead." Alfred was frantically scanning Arthur for wounds. He constantly checked his pulse and occasionally lightly shook the Brit.

"Al...." Arthur managed to croak out. This caused Alfred's head to snap up with hope in his eyes.

Alfred pulled his friend into a desperate hug, unable to say anything from the sobs that were escaping him.

"Alfred, It's alright. I'm okay." Arthur said while trying to push the American off of him. After a few tries he finally managed to pull away. Something's off...

"What happened?" Arthur said, standing up and rubbing his head. He looked around the kitchen and realized it looked the exact same as he had left it. How is he doing this?

"You ate one of those sketchy cupcakes and then you passed out for about 10 minutes." Alfred stood up also and glanced at the cupcakes, taking a small step away from them. 

"Well at least I'm alright now." Arthur held out his hand and smiled at Alfred. "Come along, love. I want to show you something." No. Stop this. Stop it now!

The blue-eyed man hesitantly took Arthur's hand while giving him an unshure look. "Did you just say love?" 

"Of course not." Arthur's expression sudenlly became filled with worry. "You must be hearing things because your still in shock from earlier. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He said with the same skeptical tone. He let Arthur lead him out of the kitchen and down the halls. 

No, Alfred don't trust him! It's not me! Arthur was yelling in his head as he watched, through his own eyes, his friend become victim to Oliver's tricks once again. Don't worry. I won't burn him like that silly jacket. Another voice was resonating through Arthur's head. Unlike you, I don't burn my food.

Alfred smiled as he intertwined his fingers with Arthur's. "So what did you want to show me?" He asked, his voice filled with curiosity. The American has always liked surprises so this couldn't be that bad.

"Wait here." Arthur ran into a small room and returned with a black cloth. He reached up and placed it over Alfred's eyes, tying it around his head. 

Alfred chuckeld and stuck his hands out in front of him. "You know, I could have just kept my eyes closed." He felt a firmiliar hand take his once more. 

"No peeking." Arthur said playfully before slowly guiding the American down some stairs. They came upon a steel trap door that was already open as if it was waiting for them. 

"London bridge is falling down," Arthur sang quietly. "falling down, falling down." He carefully guided Alfred down the stairs. "London bridge is falling down," A cold chill ran up Alfred's spine when he heard the Brit singing. "My fair lady." They reached the bottom and the cellar door slammed shut, leaving them in complete darkness.

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