"Now I'm going to drag you down into hell with me."

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Alfred's eyes widened, he gripped Arthur's wrist and tried to pull his hands away. "A-Arthur.... s-stop." Alfred choked out. Tears were now running down his face as he gasped for breath. Arthur, please...

Arthur's grip loosened and he stared at Alfred with confusion. Did I just hear... no i couldn't have. Arthur gripped Alfred's shirt collar and pulled him up off the couch slightly. "How did you do that?" He asked threateningly.

Alfred started to cough, "H-How did I do what?" He was shaking slightly as he took deep breaths.

"I heard you... In my head." Arthur said quietly. He stared at Alfred, inspecting his face, trying to figure out how he had heard the American's voice.

"I d-don't know... I just thought something i-in my head." Alfred said. He rubbed his neck slightly.

"Stop lying you git!" Arthur yelled before throwing Alfred off the couch.

Alfred groaned in pain as he hit the ground, "I'm not lying."

"This is all your fault. Now you have to pay." Arthur whispered with a menacing tone. The lights began to flicker and eventually turned off, once again. A cold air fell upon the house as Arthur quietly walked around the room.

Alfred felt his heart beat quicken. He looked around and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark room. The American was shaking badly and he was starting to panic.

Noises could be heard from the kitchen. The sound of metal against metal resonated through the air. "This is all your fault." Arthur repeated. His footsteps grew louder as he slowly found his way to the living room. Arthur was only feet away from Alfred now. He knelt down and whispered in Alfred's ear, "Now I'm going to drag you down into hell with me." Arthur reared back the knife in his hand, ready to thrust it into Alfred's stomach, when he felt a hand grasp his wrist.

"Stop." Alfred said firmly. He twisted Arthur's wrist, causing him to drop the knife.

Arthur stared at him in surprise. He had never heard Alfred use such a forceful tone before. He was actually a bit scared.

"Now," Alfred began while standing up, bringing the Brit with him. "Give me back my friend."

Those beautiful blue eyes that Arthur loved were filled with rage. The anger that had built up inside him was now replaced with fear. "A-Alfred. It's me. I p-promise." Arthur said shakily.

Alfred didn't hesitate. He yanked the Brit into an embrace. "I'm glad you're back." He mumbled, his tone completely changed from a moment ago.

Arthur froze before quickly hugging back and laying his head on Alfred's shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He whispered as the events from before came flooding back to him. "I'm so bloody sorry." His voice wreaked of guilt. He hugged the American tighter and gripped onto the back of his shirt with shaky hands.

They stood there in silence, bodies pressed against each other. Once Arthur settled down, Alfred spoke to him with a soothing voice, "You know I don't blame you... right?" He asked and ran his fingers through the Brit's hair.

Arthur couldn't answer. Of course he knew that but he just couldn't accept it. Not after what he did.

"Artie? You okay now?" Alfred asked and pulled away a little so that he could see the Brit's face.

Arthur looked down to hide the pained expression on his face and nodded.

Alfred sighed and put a finger under the Brit's chin, lifting his head gently. "Don't be upset. You didn't know what was happening so it's okay."

Arthur nodded once more, this time with a slight smile, and walked towards the door to turn on the lights. His eyes widened as he glanced out the window. "A-Alfred..." He whispered quietly, almost inaudible. He backed away from the window, stumbling backwards slightly.

"Arthur? What's wrong?" The American asked and walked towards the Brit. He had barely heard the man so Alfred didn't know if he was hearing things or not.

Arthur blinked and rubbed his eyes. Maybe I'm just seeing things.... Yes.... I must be paranoid from earlier..... Arthur tried to reassure himself but deep down he knew the truth.

The view outside was pitch black, although the silhouettes of a few figures could be seen. Arthur stared at the figure standing right in front of him, only the glass to keep them apart. He couldn't make out the face of the person but he could tell that they were.... Smiling? But why would he be-His thoughts were interrupted by a loud, high-pitched noise that blasted in his head.

Arthur clasped his hand over his ears and clutched his head in pain. It was so loud. It wouldn't go away. His head was pounding. He had forgotten about Alfred and almost had a heart attack when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.

"Arthur? Can you hear me?!" Alfred started to panic, which caused his voice to rise. He pulled Arthur into a hug and ran his fingers through the mans hair soothingly. "It's okay. I promise you that it is okay." He said and kissed the man's head.

Arthur could see Alfred's lips moving but no sound emitted from them. All he could hear was that high pitched noise. It was somehow getting louder. It was unbearable. He felt like someone was trapped inside his head, banging against his skull, trying to escape.

Behind the noise, he could hear a faint whisper. Like someone was trying to talk to him. Kill me. Please. Just kill me already.

He recognized the voice somehow. It was.... His voice. Although, something was different about it, but he couldn't quiet figure out what.

Alfred noticed that he wasn't getting to the Brit and sighed slightly. He picked up Arthur, bridal style, and started to walk towards the Brit's room. Maybe sleep will help him. Alfred thought to himself and looked helplessly at the person in his arms, wishing he could actually do something for him.

Arthur felt himself being lifted and relaxed when he realized who was carrying him. He let out a sigh of relief and laid his head against Alfred's chest, closing his eyes.

A few seconds later, he noticed that the noise had disappeared. Arthur worriedly looked towards the window to see if the person was still there. Only the darkness of the night greeted him.

The Brit thoroughly searched his mind, trying to figure out who or what it could have been. His eyes were closed tightly and he mumbled things to himself as he thought.

Alfred heard Arthur mumbling and looked down at him. "You feeling better now?" He asked worriedly and opened the door to Arthur's room.

The American walked towards the Brit's bed and carefully laid the man down on it. "I'm sure you will start to feel better soon, but if you need anything tell me."

Arthur lost focus and nodded to Alfred before pulling the covers over himself. He wanted to tell Alfred about the person, the noise, everything. But he decided to wait because he didn't want to cause Alfred to worry any more.

Alfred smiled slightly and kissed Arthur's head before heading out of the room. He then walked to his own room and crawled into his bed, falling asleep quickly.

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