"Glad you could make it."

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"That's what people will do to you. They string you along while completely ignoring you at the same time, yet you still follow." Oliver watched as blood soaked Arthur's back. The air echoed with a loud crack as the whip struck his skin. "You know what's coming, yet you still follow." Arthur screamed, gripping the ropes that bound his hands to a wooden pole."You beg and plead for them to stay and they say they will. They say things that no one else does and you believe them. Even as you watch them lie and walk away from you, you still follow." The air cracked. Oliver paced around the pool of blood that surrounded Arthur. He squatted down in front of him and looked into those dull green eyes. "And in the end, they still leave you crying alone in a dark room without a single word said."

Arthur had never felt this hopeless before. He let his head fall and heard the air crack once more. Although, this time he didn't even flinch.


Time passed without any warning as Alfred walked along. I need to hurry. I'm running out of time. This realization struck him like lightning; an electric current ran down his spine. The air around him chilled and stung his throat as he took a deep breath. "Arthur..." He called out. His voice sounded hoarse. There was nothing but the sound of howling wind around him. The colors of the world around him had faded. What's going on with Artie?  

A strange fear fell upon Alfred and something inside him told him to run. He sprinted down the shrinking path but he couldn't go fast enough. The sound of rushing water grew as he struggled. Everything was moving in slow motion. Alfred's heart was racing. He tried to move his feet faster. Alfred fell to the ground and looked behind him. A blur of movement knocked him backwards. He was thrown back and forth so quickly he couldn't tell which way he was going. 

His breath was stolen and replaced with cold water. He couldn't even open his eyes, leaving him in dark. Although, it seemed to go on forever. Every second felt like he would run out of air but his mind wouldn't let him fade. Something was stopping him from giving up. All he had was the hope that maybe this hell would end soon. Alfred flinched when an unbreakable force yanked him out of the chaos. 

A cold, stone ground greeted him and he had never felt so relieved. He bent over, coughing heavily, and tried to clear his blurry vision. It was then he realized the hand that had guided him was still holding on. Alfred looked up at the figure but couldn't make out any familiar features. "Arthur?" His voice was hoarse and weak. His savior gently let go of Alfred's hand, brushing against his fingertips before turning away and disappearing in the distance. 

"Wait!" He tried to call out, his voice only barely audible. The ground he was sitting on became colder and the scenery around him gradually came into view. A street was illuminated by a faint light that was drowned out by the white blanket that rested on in. It was scarcely populated by people who were walking close together, dressed in large coats and scarves. 

A shiver ran down Alfred's spine the moment he realized where he was. It seemed different this time. The people who walked by weren't smiling and there were no children running on their own imagination in this winter wonderland. An eerie silence took their place.  Alfred crossed the street and walked into the familiar store. The smell of cinnamon and the cozy aura of the coffee shop were replaced with nothing but a feeling of nostalgia. It almost felt bitter in a way. 

There was another thing that was noticeably different. A few chairs sat stranded in the middle of the shop. There were no tables and only empty spaces where the booths used to be. The lively colored walls had turned into a deep melancholy shade. Time made sure that people knew she had passed through here. The evidence was everywhere. 

"Glad you could make it." A voice filled the room. The stray chairs screeched across the floor and faced each other. "Please. Take a seat." 

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