"This has gone far enough!"

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Just the name sent a shiver down Arthur's spine. Something about it seemed... familiar. Arthur pushed the thought aside and walked out of the kitchen. He found himself outside Alfred's bedroom.

"Alfred? Are you alright?" Arthur knocked on the door but received no response. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. "Alfred?" 

The American was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring blankly at the wall. His face was emotionless and his beautiful blue eyes seemed like they lost some of their color. 

Arthur hesitantly stepped into the room and sat down beside his friend. He wanted to ask about why the jacket was so important but decided to save his curiosity for later. Besides, he didn't want to cause Alfred any more pain than he already had. 

Arthur gently placed a hand on Alfred's cheek and made the American face him. He pressed their lips together and wrapped an arm around Alfred's waist, pulling him closer.

Alfred sat there, shocked, before quickly realizing what was happening and kissed the Brit back. 

Arthur pulled away and rested his forehead against the American's while entangling their fingers together. "Feel better now?"

"... A little bit." Alfred's cheeks turned bright red as he answered.

Arthur chuckled and rose from the bed. "I'm going to clean the kitchen. You stay here until I'm done, alright?" He said while ruffling the American's hair. He didn't want Alfred to have to work after what had just happened.

"But I want to help." Alfred looked up at the Brit sadly and clasped his hands together. "Pwease?" He said in a childish voice while sticking out his bottom lip for effect. 

Arthur looked away but he could still feel those blue eyes glued to him. He sighed and began towards the door. "Fine. Just don't break anything." 

A huge smile appeared on the American's face and he jumped up and ran past Arthur. "Thanks dude!" He yelled as he ran towards the kitchen. 

"How can he recover so quickly?" Arthur said, staring in astonishment at the speeding man. He shook his head, dismissing the thought, and followed after him. By the time he reached the kitchen, Alfred already had a wet towel and was cleaning off the message on the cabinet. 

Arthur grabbed a dustpan and a broom before carefully sweeping up the remains of the jacket. 

Alfred tried to keep his gaze away from the ashes as he continued to clean.

After a few minutes of silence, they finished cleaning and walked over to the counter.

"How did these get here?" Arthur said as he curiously picked up a cupcake, inspecting it's pink icing. 

Alfred froze and backed away from the sweets. "I wouldn't eat those, man. What if an alien left them here so we would eat them and turn into one of their kind. Or maybe they're haunted by an angry spirit who will kill you if you eat them." 

"My God, Alfred, have you been watching Japanese horror movies again? They're only cupcakes." He took a small bite and stared at it with surprise. "Cor blimey, these are bloody brilliant." He shoved half of the cupcake in his mouth and continued to eat. 

"No! You're going to turn into a creepy mutant white thing with a green antennae!" Alfred said while trying to take the cupcake. Although, the Brit had already finished it within a few seconds. 

Before Arthur could grab another cupcake, he was laying on the floor, all sounds around him muffled. Alfred's worried face was the last thing he saw before everything faded into darkness.

"Stop It! This has gone far enough!" Arthur spun around in the darkness, waiting for the all too familiar face to appear. A pair of light blue eyes appeared in front of him along with a wide grin. 

"Someone didn't take their nap" An eerie yet innocent voice sounded from the figure in front of him. A pink vest with a light blue bow slowly came into view as he came closer. 

Arthur stepped back in surprise. "You're the one who.... But.... How?" He couldn't believe it. This man that would visit him in his dreams was real? It was impossible. 

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