"Where am I?"

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Pain found it's way into Alfred's back as the air was completely knocked out of him. He opened his eyes to nothing but a blurry collage of light. He felt himself falling slowly and tried to reach out towards the light. His head began pounding as he took in a deep breath, only to be greeted with a mouth full of water. Alfred frantically kicked his feet and pulled himself towards the light. When he emerged, he was greeted with fresh air that filled his lungs.

The sight before him was nothing but a vast horizon of blue. This is what Arthur thinks about? Nerd. Alfred was a little disappointed with being stuck in the middle of an ocean and decided that he could do nothing but swim.

What seemed like an entire hour passed and the American was still pulling himself through the water. Fatigue and anger overtook him yet he continued to swim until he no longer could.

Alfred sank. He felt his body give up and he sank to the depths of Arthur's plagued mind. The deeper he went, the less he could feel. It was as if all of his emotions and memories were being washed away by the current, becoming lost within the water.

Alfred couldn't see anything anymore. It was pitch black. Although, somehow he managed to see a large wave coming towards him. It didn't make any sense but he had no concept of confusion anymore. So he just waited.

The wave came closer and Alfred began to feel a pain in his chest that grew to his throat and made it hard for him to breath. Alfred started to cry and clutched his head out of fear. Why? Why? Why? Nothing else came to his mind except that one word. It played on repeat as the wave neared and this feeling grew.

The wave of sadness cascaded against Alfred's fragile soul, slowly chiseling away at his morality. He fell into oblivion.


Alfred awoke with a start. Everything was disfigured by the rain that was pouring down. He studied his surroundings only to find he was on the side of a road. There didn't seem to be any buildings in sight and the road curved out of sight behind a wall of trees. Alfred stood up, cringing from the pain in his back.

"Where am I?" He said to himself. By now he was completely soaked and the rain was becoming cold. For some odd reason, a shiver went down his spine at the thought of water. A strange fear struck Alfred and he immediately wanted to get to shelter.

He traveled on the seemingly never ending road, holding out his thumb as cars passed by. No one stopped. The drivers didn't even slow down. Some of them even gave him a disgusted look and rude hand gestures.

"Asshole." Alfred would mumble to himself in response. He had eventually given up on relying on the generosity of others. He was on his own now. The rain beat down against him, constantly reminding him of that strange fear towards water he had. Water was usually associated with peace and serenity. He never realized how painful it could actually be.

Alfred felt an unusual burning sensation on his skin. It wasn't enough to cause any real, but it was noticeable enough to annoy him. It was almost like having dozens of mosquito bites all over his body.

"Heh... Pain drops." He chuckled at his own pun, trying to think about something other than the tedious searching.

Walking in silence, the American's mind wandered elsewhere. The trees around him reminded him of Arthur's deep green eyes. He sighed and watched his feet drag themselves along the paved ground. They guided him down this lonely road in silence. All of the cars had completely disappeared and the road looked older. The paint faded the further he walked and the trees seemed to be losing their leaves.

Before he knew it, the ground he was walking on was only a strip of gravel. There were no more trees around him. They had all wilted before his eyes. He didn't understand what he was doing. Why was he still walking? Obviously there was no point in it since there was nothing that laid ahead of him. Yet, he felt something pulling him along. He couldn't tell what, though. He continued to aimlessly walk down this path that held no familiarity to him. Time had stolen his memories once again.

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