"It's not that simple"

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Alfred was awoken by loud thumps and bangs. The American jumped up and ran towards the sound. He opened a door to the study and his eyes widened slightly at the sight that laid before him. Arthur was yelling profanity while sending books, lamps, and anything he could get his hands on flying across the room. "Hey! Watch it, man!" Alfred ducked just in time as a book sped past his head.

Arthur stopped his tantrum and fell to his knees. "No... This can't be right.... I don't want to lose them." He whispered.

Alfred walked to the Brit quickly and knelled next to him, "Arthur? Are you okay?" He asked, his voice filled with concern. He only just met the Brit but it still bothered him to see the man like this.

"Stay away from me." Arthur said coldly. "You can't help." He stood up and slowly walked to the table, where he sat down and stared at his spell book.

Alfred shrugged the comment off and followed Arthur, "How do you know I can't help? I bet I could in some way. " The American said with a smile.

"Then prove you can." Arthur picked up his book and held it up to where the page was facing Alfred. "Tell me what you see."

Alfred stared at the page, "Um, well..... there is a bunch of scribbles everywhere." The American mumbled while rubbing his arms. He really did want to help but he just didn't know how.

"Exactly." Arthur slammed the book back down on the table and buried his face in his hands.

Alfred sighed and looked at the ground, "Surely there is some way I can help. What is wrong anyways?" He asked while looking back up at Arthur. The Brit sighed before lifting his head and facing Alfred.

"A curse. I have no idea how It happened or how to fix it. Well, actually I do but there are consequenses." Arthur walked across the room and picked up one of the many papers off the ground. "I finally figured out a counter-spell to rid myself of the curse." He handed the paper to Alfred.

The American looked over the paper before looking back at Arthur, "How does it work?" He asked.

Arthur hesitated for a moment, trying to find an explanation that Alfred would understand.

"Well," He began, "the curse seems to be residing in my wings. Which is quiet unusual because most spells target the brain or the heart. That's why this particular curse was a lot more difficult to find a counter for. Although, I have the feeling that whoever cast the curse is just toying with me."

Arthur's eyebrows furrowed and he stared at his spell book. "I've come to believe that the curse isn't targeting my wings, but my entire body. This is a very advanced technique that even the ancient mages barely came close to accomplishing."

There was a faint presence of fear in Arthur's eyes as he spoke. "So whoever this is we are dealing with, they are the most powerful person I've ever encountered."

Alfred looked down at the paper in confusion. "Why can't you just cast this spell and get rid of the curse then?"

Arthur sighed, "It's not that simple. I'd wrather not go into the details so I will just say it's very risky."

Alfred thought for a moment before speaking, "You said the curse is targeting your wings, right?"

"Yes." Arthur replied.

"So, do they look any different?"


"Can I see them?" Alfred asked, trying to keep the excitement in his voice hidden.

"Are you taking any of this seriously?" Arthur snatched the paper out of Alfred's hands and scowled at him.

The American looked at the ground, "I am. I was just hoping that maybe I could see your wings." He mumbled quietly.

Arthur sighed in defeat and stood up. "Fine." He closed his eyes and a few second later a pair of elegant blonde wings with black tips appered. The Brit glanced behind him and his eyes widened when they fell upon the tips of his wings. "They've gotten worse." He whispered to himself.

Alfred's eyes widened as he looked over Arthur's wings. He had never seen another person with wings. Alfred gently touched the feathers on the Brit's wings, "They are really beautiful." The American mumbled.

Arthur blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thank you." He closed his eyes once more and imagined his wings falling off. Each feather fell to his feet, one by one until there were no more on his back. He reopened his eyes to find his wings had disappeared. Arthur sighed and sat back down.

"Is the spell really so risky that you can't use it?" Alfred asked curiously. 

Arthur nodded, "Yes. There is no certain outcome to what will happen to the caster if he messes up. Although, I believe the worst probability is the loss of their life."

"But it will get rid of the curse, right?" Alfred asked.

They sat in silence for a few seconds before Arthur rose from his seat and looked at the American hopefully, "Why don't we find out?" 

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