Chapter 20

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Inspector Guarrato walked into the private hospital room escorted by the doctor. The room was empty and warm.

The doctor left alone visitor and patient, and closed the door behind him as he went.

The inspector took off his hat, which had covered his grayish hair, and strolled towards the white bed. He felt intensely observed by the video camera hanging on the corner of the ceiling.

He supported himself on the chair next to the bed and the man under the blanket gazed at him with a challenging and trepidation expression.

"Agent Samuel Alcantara." The inspector said trying to look at all of the tubes that were connected to Sam's arm as less as possible.

"I'm sorry inspector for my disrespect, but I believe you shouldn't be here." Sam said in a low and firm voice. He felt his hands shake because the urge of leaving the hospital; it was so strong he was trembling. "And neither should I." He whispered staring at the video camera with disgust.

The inspector sat on the edge of the bed wrinkling his uniform. And with a firm and evil smile said: "I have a proposal for you which I think you'd be interested in."

Sam turned his head towards him, serious and impassible: "Why should I be interested?" Then his eyes got lost on an imaginary part of the white wall and whispered as he was thinking out loud: "I have other things on my mind at the moment."

"Because it's something concerned Miss D'Aragona." The inspector said. As Sam heard her name, it was as if someone was injecting acid in his intravenous.

Sam grabbed the inspector's shirt collar with all his might and pulled him closer to his pale and wasted face; he had long-bearded and squinted blood-shot eyes.

"Don't you dare utter her name, inspector, if it is not for a good reason!" He whispered on his face realizing that being there, in that bed, had angered him only worse and weaken his good side; the good side, which usually kept him, calm.

The inspector smiled at him. He wasn't worried at all. He knew Samuel Alcantara very well; perhaps he knew him better than anyone else and, after all they had been through together, he knew he was the right man for the job he was about to offer him, even if he knew very well that Samuel had decided to stop playing the game forever.

"There is a good reason, agent Alcantara." He replied whit that smile still on his face.

When the inspector left the room, some minutes later, looking at agent Samuel for the last time, beyond the sliding door, he understood now that his plan was ready to be put in action.

And, although the events of the past few days, now finally he could give way to his long yearned operation. Besides, no one can really leave the «game.» He thought as the door closed.

Not this type of game...

To be continued...

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The lyrics of the songs mentioned are taken from the Notre-Dame de Parìs musical, composed by Riccardo Cocciante.

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