Anything For You (Kane Chronicles: Thoth x OC)

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Some quick context for this fic: it's based in a Riordanverse RP that I'm in. Manon Fournier is my character.

Also, this Thoth is not the same Thoth from my story Thrice Great.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Kane Chronicles, and the character of Thoth belongs to Rick Riordan.

TW: Alcohol, brief sexual harassment

Manon swore she'd never love anybody ever again. Not after what had happened to her family. They made her happy, they made her feel loved, then BAM! Gone. Dead, reduced to piles of ashes.

Manon swore she'd never let herself feel that heartbreak again. Those awful nights full of tears, where she'd cry herself to sleep and wish that their murders had been some sort of twisted prank, that they'd suddenly appear and be like, "Just kidding, we're alive!"

Of course, that never happened. The dead tend to stay dead. But the hope Manon felt, the painful hope that a miracle would happen, destroyed her emotionally, so she swore she'd never love anyone like that again.

Until him.

Oh, that bastard.

Manon had had crushes before. The boy on the playground who Manon thought was cute when she was eight. The handsome magician who Manon followed around the First Nome when she was twelve, hoping he'd notice her and talk to her. A baseball player at her high school.

But never had she fallen in love as an adult. Never had she fallen in love with an ancient god.

Yes, Manon was in love with Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge. Seven billion people on the planet, and she had to fall in love with him of all people.

Manon knew she didn't have a chance with him, as much as she tried to deny it. Thoth could probably get any woman or man he wanted. Why on earth would he choose Manon, his twenty-one-year-old assistant/bodyguard?

Thoth was very much capable of protecting himself. Manon really didn't understand why he needed someone who basically served as his bodyguard. But the group she was a part of thought it necessary. Probably because she had more information about the cult than him, which was ironic considering Thoth was a god of knowledge. But whatever. Manon didn't mind her job.

She didn't mean to fall in love with him, of course. It just...happened. And if Manon could have predicted before she came to Memphis that she'd fall for him, she would have been shocked.

He seemed so cold at first. Like a slightly more emotional Vulcan with attention span issues. But then as Manon got to know him more, he let what Manon guessed was his real self show. And she fell in love with him.

In return, she started to trust him more. In fact, she trusted him more than she has trusted anyone in a long time. Manon told him embarrassing things about herself, like the time she managed to fall headfirst into a fountain because she was too busy reading, and the time she cried because she saw a really cute dog. Things she never imagined she'd tell anyone, especially not a millennia-old god.

Thankfully, Thoth didn't make her feel any more embarrassed about those things. He'd simply give her a small smile, a smile that made Manon melt every time she saw it, and make a comment about how something similar happened to him. An ancient guy like him had hours of embarrassing moments to talk about.

And contrary to popular belief, Thoth had a sense of humor. His sense of humor was subtle but refined, his jokes coming in the form of off-hand, often passive-aggressive remarks and puns. The worst puns, which would always make Manon laugh, especially with his stoic delivery of them, the only hint of his mischief a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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