Tag #1

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So, PutThatKnifeDown tagged me in this! And I guess I'll do it, cuz I'm bored!

1. Do you have a crush?


2. Who's your crush?




it's Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation at the moment. I'm sorry. I'm trash.

3. What's your eye color?

Fun fact about me: I have Heterochromia, which means my eyes are different colors. It's barely noticeable, but one of my eyes is greenish, and the other is brownish. Most of the time, they just look hazel.

4. What's your shoe size?

5 1/2, American-sized. I have tiny feet, and I hate it, cuz NOTHING EVER FITS

5. What's your biggest fear?

Roller coasters and people vomiting near me

6. What's your height?

5 foot 3. Height-wise, I'm pretty average, but I wish I was taller. I hate rolling up my jeans, cuz THEY'RE ALL TOO LONG

7. Favorite salad dressing?

Salad is nasty as hell. But balsamic, I guess

8. Favorite animal?

Cats. I also like birds. They're cool. Oh, and the tardigrade. If you don't know what a tardigrade is, look it up. They're cool as fuck.

9. Last time you cried?

A few months ago, at a high school football game. Why? Cuz I was on my period and feeling ignored, like always.

The people I was hanging out with probably think I'm a major crybaby, cuz that's the second time I've cried hanging out with that certain group

10. What's your background?

It's one of the generic iPhone ones. It's an ombré going from blue to gold

I tag the following people!


That's only five people, but whatever. I don't like tagging many people because I feel I annoy them, however, I like being tagged myself.

Also, if you're reading this, could you please check out my story Leep? It's my main project right now, and I'd like some feedback and more reads. Thank you.

Also, I'm thinking about writing some more Star Trek x readers. Perhaps a Data one......

Also......just kidding. I'm done here.

Have a good day!

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