Kirk x The Captain's Chair: A Drabble (Star Trek)

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"I love you so much," Captain Kirk whispered to his lover, running his hand over the smooth leather. "And I've wanted to do this for as long as I've known you. The Enterprise is empty, except for you and me."

His lover said nothing back. Kirk smirked at it. "You don't have to say a single thing, baby. I know you want me as bad as I want you."

He leaned forward and kissed it, gasping as his lips met the back rest of his lover. "Mmm, baby. You keep doing that."

The short kiss turned into a heavy make-out session, filled with Kirk's pleasure-filled gasps and moans.


Kirk pulled away from his Captain's Chair, his lover, flustered. Spock stood on the bridge, staring at Kirk.

"In human terms, may I ask: what the fuck are you doing?"

I'm writing a bunch of short, crappy, and random drabbles for friends. Comment if you want me to write one, I guess.

Also: I believe this is the most sexual thing I've ever written. Whoops.

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