Hetalia: Liensta's Profile

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A/N Hi! This is my Hetalia OC's backstory and stuff, so that you ain't confused. She will appear in Parallel Universe's rewrite and miscellaneous fanfictions on here.

Country: Liensta

Human name: Agnes Edelstein

Gender: Female

Description: She has light brown shoulder-length hair very similar to Liechtenstein's hairstyle, and hazel eyes. She is sorta short, and very thin. She is supposed to wear glasses, but she never wears them, saying that she looks ugly in them. Her skin is quite tan.

Family: Germany-big brother. Like most siblings, they get along pretty well, except for the occasional fight. Austria-twin brother. They are pretty close, and since Liensta can play the cello, even though she's not very good at it, they often play together.

Personality: She is very calm, quiet, kind, and shy girl, and very intelligent. When she does occasionally speak, she is often worth listening to. However, when provoked, she can get very angry and cause a lot of destruction. She is very creative, and she likes listening to music, especially her twin's, and writing poetry.

Friends: Sealand, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Japan and Russia

Enemies: Norway, China, Prussia, Japan (former enemy)

Love interest: Depends on the story, but I have a little headcanon that it was Canada, but then he died somehow, and then she fell in love with Japan, her enemy

Backstory: When she was little, she was separated from Austria, and she was alone until Germany found her. As a child, she often fought with Japan due to um, "frustration", often giving her life-threatening injuries. Years later, she found out that Austria was her twin, and they have lived together ever since. Around WWII, China began to give her country's economy a hard time, causing it to suffer, and ever since, she had despised China. In the Great Prussian Wars, she sided against Prussia.

Likes: Family, friends, listening to Austria's music, playing the cello, writing poetry, the color blue, summer, sushi, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, ballet

Dislikes: Enemies, Prussia, idiots, bullies, Mondays, working, getting up early, broccoli

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