Tag #2: 13 Facts about Me!

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So, I was tagged by EmotionsAndLogic to post 13 facts about me, so yeah! I'm just going to write random ones I think of.

1) The only thing I've ever won is second place in my elementary school's science fair in fourth grade. I also won the electives "Bookworm" and "Mad Scientist" in fourth grade. I remember being so pissed that I won the "nerd awards", though now I look back and laugh at my stupidity.

2) In first grade, I decided to stand in a toilet for no reason

3) I keep having erotic dreams about APH Estonia from Hetalia, and I'm seriously so puzzled as to why I'm having them, because one, I'm asexual, and two, I got over my Hetalia obsession a long time ago. I enjoy the dreams, though 😉

4) As I'm writing this, I'm currently dying of period cramps. Save me.

5) For the last two years until somewhat recently, I've been involved with two people who believe the "magic world" is real, and that I somehow fit into it.....For now, I've declared it BS, but sometimes, I do wonder.....

Oh, and Thrice Great is somewhat based on the tellings of those people.

6) At school, we have to take an aptitude test each year to see what careers we would be best at and would enjoy. My top two this year are author (obviously) and comedian (haha cuz my life is a joke)

7) I am a cat person. I've always preferred cats, though I do tolerate dogs. In fact, I used to be scared of dogs

8) I'm now 15. My birthday was on January 31st.

9) I'm currently obsessed with Star Trek. So I'm a nerd. Sue me. (If you get that reference I love you)

10) My MBTI type is INTP. If you don't know what an MBTI type is, look it up. It's quite interesting.

11) Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians was my first fictional love. Fifth grade me was so confused 😂

12) I have several fantasy worlds that I visit in my daydreams all the time. I've always had fantasy worlds from a young age. And even though it's all in my head, why on earth should that mean that they're not real? (Also if you get that reference I love you)

13) I'm.........

A frickin loser

That's all. If you are reading this, you're tagged. You're welcome.

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