Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Secret Admirer (Garak x Reader)

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This tiny ficlet sucks ass but I had the idea and I just had to write it. Enjoy!

 "You've done nothing but smile this entire morning," Jadzia says, grinning at you

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"You've done nothing but smile this entire morning," Jadzia says, grinning at you. "What's up? Don't tell me 'nothing', I'm not that thick-headed."

"I hate to tell you, but it's nothing," you lie, smiling as you thought of the letters.

Every afternoon, like clockwork, they'd appear under your door, written on paper with pen. You don't know who they're from, and you don't have many guesses. But the content inside is what makes you melt.

The letters are from a secret admirer of yours. Somebody on the station had a crush on you. Out of all people on the station, you!

Just thinking about it makes you smile. Jadzia bumps your arm with her fist.

"Oh come on, (Y/N). Tell me."

"Fine!" You blurt out. "Somebody's been sending me secret admirer letters!"

Everyone in Ops looks at you. You duck your head and blush.

"That's great!" Jadzia says, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "Old-fashioned, but great! Have you figured out who they're from?"

You shake your head. "No. I asked Odo if anyone was stopping by my door and delivering them, but it's a different person every day. He's still trying to find a connection between the deliverers, to see if they're all connected to a single person."

"I hope it's nobody gross," Jadzia replies. You chuckle.

"Same. If it's somebody like Quark or Morn, I'm throwing myself out the nearest airlock."

"That would be awful-" Jadzia's comm badge beeps, and Captain Sisko's voice rings through, telling her to come to his office. She leaves, and you go back to work.

The morning passes without much incident. You go to multiple places around the station to fix things and doing whatever Chief O'Brien, your boss, tells you to.

Finally, 12:00 arrives, along with it, your lunch break. You make your way towards the replimat, happy to be free from work for the time being.

You make it to the replimat, replicate some food, and then you sit at your usual table and wait for your friends.

You see Julian enter the replimat, and you wave at him, grinning. He smiles and waves back, before getting his food and joining you. You two chatter about Starfleet-related things, before your other friend Garak joins you. You greet him with the same enthusiasm you greeted Julian with.

"My, you're very chipper today," Garak comments as he sits down. "Is there a reason?"

You look down at your food with a blush and giggle. "Well...."

You tell them what you told Jadzia earlier that day, about your secret admirer and their letters, and how Odo has no clue who's sending them.

"I hope it's someone I like!" You say, squirming in your seat with excitement. "And I hope I get to meet them soon!"

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