Chapter 22

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It had been a couple of days since the, family incident, and since then I haven't felt the need or want to be at school, so Mom called me out for a while so I could just spend time with her and Sam

And honestly? It was really nice

All that was left of my family was Mom and Sam, and me of course, but we never even knew of Dads bad intentions

And that's what hurt us the most, is that we thought he was good, but turns out he wanted to kill me the most

So it was just me, Mom, and Sam

But in those days of being together Mom went looking for a new house straight away, she stayed clear of the city the old house was in and was determined to make a new life in a new house

She kept telling me she was very thankful for Davenport's hospitality but she needed to get back on her feet

And with all the money she's made as a superhero she had more than enough money to buy a new house

So after endless hours of searching, she finally found the house she wanted to call home

But the thing with this house was, you had to get to it from underwater

That's right, from UNDER WATER

Mom didn't want anyone hurting this family anymore, so to get to the house it was disguised by this tiny home, but as soon as you stepped inside there was a secret elevator to take you to the dock of the house

Did I mention it was also a lake house?

And how she found this house was a complete mystery to me, but all I knew was that it was our new home

"Just listen!" Mom sighed happily, me and Sam looked at each other confused as Mom exhaled happily

"Hear that?" She asked

"No," me and Sam replied

"Exactly! We lived in a city filled with constant noise, but now, now it's peaceful! And we own a lake! And a guest house! This is the life!" Mom shrieked happily, we laughed at her excited-ness

"Mom, it's just a house," Sam pointed out

"Maybe, but it's our house. Which makes all the difference," Mom smiled

"True, but it's going to take forever to unpack," Sam sighed, then Mom gave me a look

"Maybe not," Mom smirked, I chuckled at her

"Only because I don't want to spend hours unpacking," I chuckled

I then used my super-speed to rush around the house and unpack every box, putting everything in its place in two minutes flat

Once I finished I stopped right in front of Sam and Mom, brushing my hair out of my face, "Done!"

"Oh just look at this place! It's fantastic! This is our home," Mom smiled, placing her arms around Sam and I's shoulders, bringing us into a side hug

"So now what?" Sam chuckled, looking at Mom

"Now... now I'm not sure, usually we'd go out and do something but, I hadn't thought that far," Mom spoke

"Well, we could go get my license? And then celebrate with ice cream after?" I offered

"Yes! Oh that's perfect! A family bonding experience! Let's go!" Mom squealed, grabbing Sam and I's arms and leading us out the door
"I have never waited so long in my life..." Sam groaned, just as we walked out of the DMV

"Yes, but it was great to spend time together as a family! That's all that matters!" Mom cheered

Sam and I have each other a look, what's with mom and continuously saying 'family'?

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